Tips for Teaching Kids About God and Money

Tips for Teaching Kids About God and Money - Parenting Like HannahRaising kids to have godly values about money is tough. Not only are parents battling an extremely materialistic society, but godly principles about money require a delicate balance. Everything we have belongs to God and is a blessing from Him. (James 1:17) We need to take good care of our blessings and give generously back to God through helping others and direct donations to God’s work. (II Corinthians 9:7) We need to work hard in our jobs. (Colossians 3:23) We shouldn’t be obsessed with money, especially to the point where it replaces God. (I Timothy 6:10)

There are some practical things you can do to help your children begin to find this godly balance about money.

  • Keep your children informed about family finances in age appropriate ways. A two year old does not need to worry about having enough money to buy a new car. An elementary aged child needs to understand that large expenses need to be considered carefully. They need to begin to understand concepts like saving, avoiding debt, buying wisely etc. A teen can totally understand the concept that previous decisions and events can affect a person’s ability to purchase large ticket items when needed. The best way for your children to learn is to listen as you and your spouse work through financial issues. Take the time to explain why you are making the decisions you are as your children become old enough to understand. Isolating children from money decisions and issues sets them up for financial failure in the future.
  • Allow your children to contribute to the family. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I do not advocate young children feeling responsible for earning the money to help support the family. I do, however, firmly believe they need to be involved from a very young age on the cost saving side of the equation. Let them help cut out coupons as soon as they can handle scissors well. Teach them to plan a shopping list by looking at ads and coupons. Encourage them to take good care of things so they last longer. Don’t let them become overly obsessive about saving money, but a little practice in frugality will help them later in those early adult years.
  • Give your children an allowance that is less than they want. A lot of people are anti-allowance. Many parents do tend to give an allowance that is way too large to be educational. Keep the allowance small enough so your child has to find creative ways to finance special purchases. Our daughter from a very young age has created her own businesses to earn the money she needed for large purchases. As a teen, she not only has great business skills, but is financially savvy. Chores, although expected, were not connected to her allowance. When she was very young, the jobs she did around the house for extra money were above and beyond what was normally expected. Unfortunately, she quickly learned neighbors and businesses paid better than we did, so her current businesses focus on baby and house sitting and research.
  • Teach your children to budget their allowance. Our daughter was expected to divide her allowance between God, college savings, gifts and personal wants. She has financed Christmas gifts for others out of her own money for years. She developed an early awareness of saving for college and we have had no need to pressure her to complete college scholarship applications. She is very aware of how our congregation spends its contributions and is concerned they are spent wisely. Even her personal spending has always been wise and her “frivolous” spending was always spent smartly.
  • Provide outside financial training if possible. Our daughter loved the Dave Ramsey videos for high school students. She enjoyed watching them and learned a lot. We also made sure she has had checking and savings accounts so she understood how to balance a checkbook and calculate interest. Currently she is taking AP macroeconomics and microeconomics. Although they will never be her favorite classes, she has learned a great deal about useful subjects like taxes and exchange rates.
  • Communicate clearly God’s principles on money. Reflect them in the way you spend the money God provides your family. Is the bulk of your money spent on luxuries for your family or do you use it to help others and spread the Gospel? Your children will reflect your priorities to a great extent. This is another area when time spent in the scriptures and actively discussing your values and principles can make a difference in the life of your child. Make sure you are practicing what you preach, though. Saying you want to focus on helping others and only giving $50 a year to charity while you drive a Rolls Royce is an inconsistent message and kids will quickly figure out your true priorities.

Do you have other tips to share that have helped your kids learned about God and money? I would love to have you share them with us in a  comment below.

Published by

Thereasa Winnett

Thereasa Winnett is the founder of Teach One Reach One and blogger at Parenting Like Hannah. She holds a BA in education from the College of William and Mary. She has served in all areas of ministry to children and teens for more than thirty years and regularly leads workshops for ministries and churches. She has conducted numerous workshops, including sessions at Points of Light’s National Conference on Volunteering and Service, the National Urban Ministry Conference, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, and Lipscomb’s Summer Celebration. Thereasa lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband Greg, where she enjoys reading, knitting, traveling and cooking.

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