Fun Way for Kids to Practice Responsibility

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Responsibility - Parenting Like HannahIf you read our 7 Tips for Raising Responsible Children, you know how important it is to raise your kids to be responsible. Most parents use chores and/or pets to begin teaching responsible behavior. Even if your child is mastering those, he or she may still not realize the impact being irresponsible can have on others.

Want a fun way to teach them the concept and help others at the same time? Have a service project assembly line. Find a project that involves several steps which must be repeated multiple times. (Our parent website Teach One Reach One has lots of great free ideas.) Often collections, like bags of school supplies or disaster supplies, make great assembly line service projects. Or maybe you can make multiple batches of cookies or games. Anything that requires multiple steps and you can afford to make several of them.

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7 Tips for Raising Responsible Children

7 Tips for Raising Responsible Kids - Parenting Like HannahThe other day I was chatting with someone who worked in a school. She recounted the tale of a student who had stolen something from a vending machine. The incident was caught on camera and the offending student was brought in to discuss it.

“I didn’t do it!” the student exclaimed. “But the camera recorded you doing it,” explained the administrator. “The camera lied on me!” was the student’s reply. He was absolutely unwilling to accept responsibility for his actions, even though there was no way he could deny them.

Maybe that sort of responsibility isn’t an issue in your home. Maybe your kids don’t do their chores well or when they are supposed to do them. Or perhaps, you are tired of them not taking care of their things or that they refuse to do the right thing without being prompted by you.

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Christian Moms and Friendship

Christian Moms and Friends - Parenting Like HannahLet’s be really honest here. When your kids are tiny, it feels as if some tiny precious human is permanently attached to you. As your kids get older, there are often many more kids around than you actually get to claim on your taxes. Yet even with all of these people swarming around you asking for attention and help – motherhood can be extremely lonely. Sometimes, you want to cry for those long ago friendships when you had the time and energy to talk for hours about everything and nothing.

Which is why, I was interested when offered the chance to review Never Unfriended: The Secret to Finding and Keeping Lasting Friendships by Lisa-Jo Baker. Could her book help moms create and nurture the friendships they so desperately need and crave?

The book is divided into four main sections with several chapters in each. The sections address our fears, what we can’t do, what we can do and how to get started.

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Teaching Your Kids “Hard” Books of the Bible (It Can Be Fun!)

Teaching Your Kids "Hard" Books of the Bible (It Can Be Fun!) - Parenting Like HannahThe sad reality is that if you are depending upon the church to teach your kids everything in the Bible, it won’t happen. Even if your congregation has the best ministries in the world, they just don’t have the time to cover everything. Most, for a variety of reasons, will only cover about 10% of what is in the Bible with your kids – even if they attend every possible class from birth through high school graduation.

A lot gets skipped, but certain areas are often totally ignored – books of prophecy, some of the wisdom literature and many of the Epistles. You may feel intimidated by trying to teach your kids these books yourself, but we can help!

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Christian Kids and Good Things

Christian Kids and Good Things - Parenting Like HannahAdmit it. When you read the title of this post, your first thought was probably about teaching kids to “be good” or “do good”. Christianity is much more than being and doing good though. At it’s core is the story of God who lovingly created a world, but more importantly, us.

It’s about how God created not only a good, but a perfect world for us to inhabit. It’s about how even when Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin – destroying the perfect world – God still allowed good things in the Fallen World. It’s about how His love sent His son to die on the cross so we can spend eternity in a perfect world – Heaven.

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