Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Notice God’s Little Opportunities

Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Notice God's Little Opportunities - Parenting Like HannahIn God, Kids and the Little Things, I shared how God will give your kids lots of opportunities to serve others almost every day. Often your kids (like the rest of us) will not even notice these things. They will go through their day oblivious to the chances God is giving them to serve Him, often by serving others and sharing their faith. They will miss out on some amazing God adventures because they didn’t even see His invitation to join Him. They will miss opportunities to grow their faith by watching how God works in their world.

If you want to help your kids not miss the opportunities God gives them, you will have to get them out of the natural human tendency to be a bit self-absorbed. We all have a tendency to get so wrapped up in what we are doing that we can cause mayhem in our wake and not even realize it. Forget about noticing those somewhat subtle invitations to join God in touching the lives around us. Sometimes we even miss the huge blinking neon billboards from people God wants us to serve.

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God, Kids and the Little Things

God, Kids and the Little Things - Parenting Like HannahIt happened to me again this weekend. In fact, it has happened many times over the years in churches all over the country. As I struggle to take load after huge load of awkward bundles into a church building, I walk past the same people over and over and over.

Maybe one in a thousand offers to help immediately. One out of a hundred offers to help after I pass by three or four times. Most will help if specifically asked, but even then many will help with obvious reluctance. The irony is I would imagine most of those same people just gave a good deal of money to God. They probably nodded in agreement during the lessons. They may have even volunteered to do some odious task for the Church.

Yet when God gave them a tiny opportunity to serve someone, they didn’t even see it. They didn’t mean to be rude or inconsiderate, they were just totally oblivious. It probably doesn’t even sound like a big deal to you. In fact, you are probably wondering what this even has to do with parenting your kids.

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Teaching Kids To Be Honest to Themselves

Teaching Kids To Be Honest to Themselves - Parenting Like Hannah“I can eat this entire box of Girl Scout cookies because I walked a mile today.” “I really wasn’t that mean to her.” “It’s not really a lie because…” “God would want me to disobey this command of His if He knew what was really happening.” “I’m not really drunk. I just had several glasses (I lost count) of wine with dinner.” “I wasn’t gossiping. I was just sharing a prayer request.”

When our kids are little, most of us will spend quite a bit of time teaching them to be honest. We will explain, hand out consequences and tell them what a mess they create when they lie. That is so very important. God makes it very clear He hates lies and if we are trying to raise children to be productive Christians, they must be honest.

I realized something very recently though. We spend a lot of time teaching our kids to be honest to others, but how much time do we spend teaching them to be honest to themselves? Think about it for a minute. Satan may tempt us, but whose brain takes that temptation and adds to the original lie? Whose brain tells itself lies after a sin has been committed to convince us we don’t need to repent?

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Kids, Spring and the Parables of Jesus

Kids, Spring and the Parables of Jesus - Parenting Like HannahSpring is a great time to have fun with your kids and teach them some of the parables of Jesus at the same time. Parables are great. They were short stories told by Jesus that helped people understand more difficult spiritual concepts by using things they encountered in their every day lives.

Because Israel in the time of Jesus still had many people who spent time or lived in more rural areas, many of the parables deal with livestock or growing things. Unfortunately our children, who tend to live in more suburban and urban areas may not have a lot of experience with either farm animals or growing plants. When they hear some of the parables and their meaning, they may understand it a little by the words, but they don’t have that core understanding the culture of the time gave the initial listeners.

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Teaching Kids Godly Tolerance

Teaching Kids Godly Tolerance - Parenting Like HannahImagine your child has invited a friend to your house. They volunteer to cook dinner on the stove. Before you leave the kitchen you say, “Do you remember the safety rules for the stove?” The visiting child replies, “Our family doesn’t believe in rules for the stove. We think the red burner is a symbol of joy and can’t hurt you.” “Well,” you say kindly “that’s an interesting perspective, but..” Before you can say anything else, your child interrupts, “Mom, please don’t be so intolerant. My friend is entitled to her beliefs and I think it is wonderful she feels so strongly about stoves. Don’t insult her by trying to force your beliefs about hot stoves and consequences onto her!”

So what do you do next? Let the visiting child potentially get a serious burn because you didn’t want to appear intolerant and question her “truth”? Or do you gently explain the reality of hot stoves and burns to her?

Tolerance has been redefined in our world. Your children are exposed to a very interesting definition of tolerance by society, probably by educators and even possibly by ministers and teachers in their church.

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