Teaching Kids About Satan

Teaching Kids About Satan - Parenting Like HannahWhen is the last time you heard someone in church mention Satan or Hell? If you are like most Christians, it may have been years. Gone are the days of the “fire and brimstone” sermon. I don’t recommend we go back to those days, but I do think we need to stop ignoring the fact Satan exists. More importantly, we need to teach our children about him and his ways.

“Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be Strong.” (NIV I Corinthians 16:13) Have you ever noticed there are quite a few verses in the Bible that tell us to be watchful or be on guard? Ever wondered of whom we were supposed to be watchful? I think there is a strong argument to be made that at least some of those verses are cautioning us to be watchful against Satan and his tricks.

There are some things about Satan your children are probably not hearing in church (if he is even mentioned at all). It is vitally important your children understand who Satan is and how he works. They can’t be watchful of something they don’t know exists. They also need to know his tricks, so they can guard the weak spots he will attack.

So what are some of the things you need to teach your kids about Satan?

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New Prayer Resource For Christians New to Prayer

New Prayer Resource for Christians New to Prayer - Parenting Like HannahSounds a little strange I know, but I think it is possible to have been a Christian for many years and not have a personal prayer life. If you weren’t raised in a home where prayer was modeled as your connection and lifeline to God, you may feel confused about prayer. Perhaps you even believe the corporate prayers at church cover everything you need.

The new movie War Room (which I still haven’t seen, but friends are saying they loved it) has produced several new books on prayer. The Battle Plan for Prayer: From Basic Training to Targeted Strategies, by Stephen and Alex Kendrick was written for people who are somewhat new to the idea of the power of prayer. The book breaks down the various aspects of what one should pray and the basics of how to pray.

Each chapter begins with a verse of scripture. The authors explore the topic in relatively brief chapters. The basics are covered with lots of scripture references to back up their points. I wish they had taken the time and space to write out more of the scriptures though, as I still doubt many people take the time to look up scripture references cited in a book like this.

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Tips for Discipling Your Child

Tips for Discipling Your Child - Parenting Like HannahIn Top Tip for Raising a Mature, Godly Child, I promised to share tips for how to disciple your child. A well discipled child has a much better chance of making more mature, godly choices. As we saw when Jesus discipled his Apostles, there were some mis-steps along the way. One (Judas) even decided to reject everything Jesus had tried to teach him.

There are no guarantees following these tips will make your children perfect or even that they will consistently make godly, mature decisions. Some mis-steps are likely, in part because of their lack of life experience. That is part of the discipling process – teaching, demonstrating and then giving opportunities for guided practice. Guided practice gives your kids a safe place to make those mistakes. A place where a Christian adult is standing by to mentor or offer help when needed. Practice that allows for feedback and correction.

Parents who don’t disciple their kids often find their children are involved in real life scenarios without that extra godly support. Suddenly, these young people are with peers and attempting to make potentially life-changing if not eternity changing decisions without having been prepared. Honestly, it’s surprising more kids and teens don’t end up in over their heads, making poor choices.

So how do you disciple your kids? There are a lot of things you can do, but if you follow the model Jesus set with his Apostles, you will be making a good start.

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Top Tip for Raising a Mature, Godly Child

Top Tip for Raising a Mature Fodly Child- Parenting Like HannahJohn Quincy Adams is a little known American President. Other than being the son of President John Adams, most of us know nothing about him. It’s a shame, because I think the Adam’s knew the secret to raising a mature son. (I can’t speak to how godly he was as historians tend to have little interest in such matters.) Don’t believe me?

By the age of fourteen, John Quincy Adams was traveling around Europe helping a diplomat convince other countries to recognize the newly formed United States. This was after having graduated from college that January. He was fluent in Dutch, French, Greek and Latin. (Not to mention a passing knowledge of other languages.) After his European jaunt, he entered Harvard and graduated from there by the time he was twenty.

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Your Kids Won’t Need a Binky in College, But They Will Need God

Your Kids Won't Need a Binky in College, But They Will Need God _ Parenting Like HannahWhen your children are very young, you tend to worry about interesting things. I have seen mothers absolutely obsessed with potty training or taking away a binky from a toddler who is still sucking on it for comfort. Don’t even get me started on night lights, thumb sucking and teddy bears. (Especially since I still own my Super Bear!)

We spend so much time and effort worrying, reading up on how to potty train or wean our child from a comfort item. We fret, talk to other moms and even pray. I will never forget what an older mom once told me. Our daughter had never needed a night light. A death of a favorite aunt in preschool made her suddenly begin to request light in her room at night.

As I fretted over what seemed like a step backward, the more experienced mom looked at me and said “Don’t worry, she will stop when she’s ready. I’ve never seen a kid in college with a night light.” Now granted, I am sure there actually are some kids with night lights in college, but she was right. In our case a little time and distance from the upsetting event and our daughter asked us to remove the light at night.

Continue reading Your Kids Won’t Need a Binky in College, But They Will Need God