Wonderful Prayer Resource for Moms

Wonderful Prayer Resource fro Moms - Parenting Like HannahNothing will drive to your knees in prayer like becoming a mother. Those precious little souls are so vulnerable. Hopefully, you have been praying since before your children were even born – for their physical needs and safety, but more importantly for the things that will touch their souls. Perhaps though the exhaustion that often accompanies mothering has thwarted your prayer life. Not only may you find yourself falling asleep mid-prayer, but you may also have realized days have gone by without you having any sort of personal conversation with God at all.

I am pretty sure it has happened to all of us at some point. (Or am I the only one?). That’s why I was so excited when the packet of books arrived for me to review (associated with the movie War Room – about which I can’t tell you anything pro or con), to see a new book on prayer by Priscilla Shirer, Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer.

Full confession here, I am rather the Priscilla Shirer fan. I find her books to be direct, practical and very scripture based. Having said that, this may just be my absolute favorite of all of her books. I judge how well I like a Christian book by how many little sticky flags I place on the pages. I often will quote these thoughts in my ministry (giving full credit of course). This one is covered in little purple flags!

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Teaching Kids to See God in Tough Times

Teaching Kids to See God in Tough Times- Parenting Like HannahOur family was able to enjoy this past weekend in New York City. I loved my years living there and thoroughly enjoy exploring it again with the family I am now blessed to have. New York City can be a very tough, harsh place though. There are noises, dirt, crime and millions of people with stories that would break your heart. Living there has broken many a person, I am sure.

In this picture though, you can see one of the photos I took in the middle of Manhattan. An old abandoned rail line in what used to be a not so great area of town has been reclaimed and turned into an elevated park. When I look at this photo and others I took during our trip, I see God.

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New Prayer Resources for Kids and Teens

New Prayer Resources for Kids and Teens - Parenting Like HannahThere is a new Christian film which is opening in a week or two (August 28, 2015 War Room). The underlying theme is prayer, so they are releasing five new books on prayer to support the film. I was given an opportunity to review all of them. I’m still reading the ones for women and men, but wanted to give you my thoughts on the three for children and teens.

Peter’s Perfect Prayer Place by Stephen and Alex Kendrick (illustrated by Daniel Fernandez) is a delightful picture book on prayer for the youngest set. The little boy in the book keeps looking for the perfect place to pray. Of course, no place is just right until he discovers they all are perfect for talking with God. Most picture books on prayer are frankly just not that interesting. This one keeps an engaging story line while teaching an important concept about prayer.

The illustrations are cartoonish, but in a cute way. The back has a prayer journal type area which can be removed from the book. The chart has stickers the child can use to keep track of prayers and their answers. I wish the stickers were a little more clear that “no” and “wait” are answers as well as “yes” and reinforced it with the stickers. I’m afraid too many parents only believe God has answered prayers when he says “yes”. The stickers could unfortunately be used to reinforce the concept. Of the three books for young people though, I would say this is the one I love the most.

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Introducing Kids to Psalms

Introducing Kids to Psalms - Parenting Like HannahWhen you think of the books to suggest to those beginning to read their Bibles independently, Psalms may not immediately come to mind. We tend to think of the book of Psalms as a book of poetry and young people are notorious for disliking poetry. If we present it to kids and teens for the purposes it was originally intended though, I think they will find it is one of their favorite books.

Jews in the time of Jesus were passionate about Psalms. Their daily lives were covered by the Psalms. Daily Temple worship began with a different Psalm read on every day of the week. Psalms were used as songs and prayers. Almost any problem someone had would result in praying to God one of the Psalms. In fact it is believed, many observant Jews had memorized many if not all of them.

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Teaching Kids About “Social” Prayer

Teaching Kids About "Social" Prayer - Parenting Like HannahYes, I just made up a new term. For the purposes of our discussion, social prayer is any opportunity your child is given to pray aloud in public. It could be as simple as praying before a meal or as difficult as praying privately with someone who is going through a devastating time.

Many families ask even the youngest of children to take turns praying before family meals. It is a great way to introduce children to praying and prayer. Don’t worry too much if your introverted child is uncomfortable and doesn’t want to participate. Allow them to pass for the moment, but continue to provide opportunities. Some kids will grow out of their reluctance as they become more comfortable with what to say. Others will need some additional encouragement to try again the next time they are offered a chance to pray. I would caution against making prayer a power game though – the negative consequences are possibly too great to be risked.

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