Asperger’s and Church

Aspergers and Church - Parenting Like HannahIf you keep up with health news, you know about 1 in every 68 children is somewhere on the autism spectrum. The odds are even higher for boys – 1 in 42 boys will be diagnosed with autism or Aspergers. This means if you attend a church of a couple hundred people, several families may have at least one member who has been diagnosed with autism (New research is showing a strong hereditary link.)

While some congregations are starting to reach out and make their classes and services more inclusive, many don’t know how to help. Some may even be wondering why they should. I have talked with many families who have children with autism or Aspergers who go from church to church looking for Christians who will make them feel at home.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If we are truly reflecting God’s love, everyone should feel welcome, accepted and loved when they walk through the doors of our church. This may mean your church needs to educate itself on how to minister to families dealing with autism and Aspergers. Even if you studied special education in college, the information available has changed drastically over the last twenty years and you may need to get more accurate information.

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Parenting and the Excuse Whisperer

Parenting and the Excuse Whisperer - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever met a person who is trying to break a bad habit? Many times they have attempted more than once – usually with minimal success. If you talk to them long enough, you will often hear a lot of excuses for why they can’t break the habit they know is only harming them.

Excuses go all the way back to the beginning and the Garden of Eden. When God asked Adam and Eve about what they had done, the excuses started flying. They sounded a lot like what you may have heard many times in your own home – “She made me do it”. “It was his fault”. The source of ideas for all of those excuses was Satan – the great excuse whisperer.

There are two problems with excuses and parenting. The first I hope is obvious. All of those excuses we have for not parenting our children the way we know God would want us to do come from the same source as Adam and Eve’s excuses. We are often more willing to listen to Satan’s lies than God’s truths. Why? Because Satan knows how to push our buttons and make us think the wrong way is easier, more popular or “smarter”.

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Kids, Joy and God

Kids, Joy and God - Parenting Like HannahHave your ever surprised a young child with something they have wanted their “whole life”? If you have, you have probably witnessed pure, unsurpassed joy. In fact for many children, childhood is a time filled with joy. As time passes however, the joy seems to slowly seep out of life for many people and is replaced by what the French call ennui – fancy boredom.

The Christian life for many has a similar trajectory. The moments after a person puts on Christ in baptism and becomes a Christian are often very joyful. Soon the monotony of life intrudes though and Christianity can begin looking boring or worse yet, restrictive.

I want to encourage you to not only live a joyful Christian life, but help your children find and understand the joy in living a godly, active Christian life. There are a lot of things Christians can be joyful about, but in case you were puzzling what to share with your kids about joy and God, here are some of my favorites:

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Why Every Child Needs Your “Momtention”

Why Every Child Needs Your "Momtention" - Parenting Like HannahOver decades of working with children and teens, I have seen what happens to kids who don’t get enough positive, meaningful parental attention. Whether it is upper middle class children with parents who work so much they barely see their children or children who are abused or abandoned by their parents, the resulting brokenness in the child never fails to break my heart.

I thought I had seen and heard it all until I begin to learn about sex trafficking. What I learned has broken my heart and increased the urgency I feel to encourage fellow moms (and dads) to take the time to pay attention – I mean real, meaningful attention – to their children and every child they meet.

If you have not read much about sex trafficking, you may be under the mistaken idea that it happens only to kids growing up in poverty. You may believe it is rare and only occurs in cities like New York, or overseas. You may think these boys and girls are somehow wanting to get into prostitution. And you couldn’t be more wrong.

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Questions to Get Your Kids Talking

Questions to Get Your Kids Talking - Parenting Like HannahOne of the top mysteries for many parents is how to get their kids to talk to them. Oh, their kids are respectful enough to answer questions when asked. It’s just that the vast majority of the answers are one word or perhaps even a grunt. Some parents just give up and hope their kids will eventually grow up to be adults who have wonderful conversations with their parents.

To be effective as a Christian parent though, you have to know what your child is not only thinking, but also what he is holding in his heart. You can try to discipline behaviors and guess at any potential heart or faith issues. Honestly though, the best way to really help your child grow in his faith and develop a godly heart is for him to share with you what he is thinking. Which brings us back to the original problem.

Fortunately, there are ways to get your children to talk to you. Even about the important things in life. There are certain types of questions that are more likely to get your child talking than others. Before I share them though, you need to keep a few things in mind.

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