Moms As Leaders

Moms As Leaders - Parenting Like HannahForget about Presidents, Queens and CEO’s. The most important leaders in the world are Moms. Think about it for a minute. Mothers often have more influence and impact (good or bad) on the future leaders and “regular” people of the world than almost anyone else.

Whether you realize it or not, you and your spouse are leaders. You have the responsibility for leading your children. If you are a Christian, hopefully you are leading your kids towards worshipping and obeying God, and living the lives He wants them to live.

Yet moms are often ignored when it comes time for leadership training. There is usually no paycheck for being a mom and Mother-of-the-Year awards are few and far between. In fact if they were honest, most people who write leadership books would smirk just a bit at the idea of a mom with three kids under the age of three needing leadership development. And yet, we do.

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Christian Moms and Integrity

Christian Moms and Integrity - Parenting Like HannahYou don’t hear many parenting experts talk about integrity, but I think parental integrity is vital – especially if you hope to dedicate your children to God. Integrity is more than just being honest, although that’s vital in parenting too. The other definition of integrity is someone who isn’t divided – a person who is whole. Who she says she is matches who she appears to be and most importantly matches who she is at her very core.

You can be a “good” parent and teach your children morals without being a Christian parent at your very core. I believe God calls us to be His people in the entirety of our being, not just as an extra-curricular activity we expose our kids to along with sports and scouting.

I was interested then when asked to review the book, Brazen: The Courage to Find the You That’s Been Hiding by Leeana Tankersley. The premise is promising. Women are not reaching their godly potential because they are afraid to show the world their talents, beliefs, etc. (My interpretation of her words.) It theoretically addresses the various reasons women hide parts of themselves and gives strategies for feeling free to show the inner core of your being to others.

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Giving Christian Kids Roots

Giving Christian Kids Roots - Parenting Like HannahOne of the keys to raising children who grow up to become productive Christians is giving them a strong spiritual foundation. Because I emphasize that so often in my posts, I was interested when given a chance to review Rooted by Banning Liebscher.

Liebscher does an excellent job of presenting the case for allowing God to develop a strong root system in you (and your kids). Although the book is aimed at adults, many of the insights he shares are good things to teach your children.

Although he touches on a lot of different pieces to the puzzle, I think the most valuable is to realize God has a plan for you and your kids. As a part of that plan He will put you and your kids where you need to be to grow and develop the talents, gifts and skills He has given you to serve Him.

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Letters to Daughters on Being a Wife

Letters to Daughters on Being a Wife - Parenting Like HannahAlmost anyone who gives parenting advice will tell you one of the most important gifts you can give your kids is to have a great marriage. There are probably hundreds or even thousands of books on the market about marriage. Many are helpful, some are even from a godly perspective. I know many of you will want or need to read a book to help your marriage at some point, so I’m always on the lookout for great new resources.

I was intrigued when offered the opportunity to review the new book Letters to My Daughter – The Art of Being a Wife by Barbara Rainey. Rainey has been married for decades and is the mother to six adult children. As her daughters were married, they began to ask her questions. In her ministry role, she was also asked questions about marriage by other young women.

She decided the best way to answer their questions was to come up with a book that framed her answers as if her daughters had asked all of questions and she replied in letter form. The resulting book is a beautiful volume filled with godly advice from a woman who has lived through several decades of marriage with all of its ups and downs.

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Great Christian Parenting Magazine

Great Christian parenting Magazine - Parenting Like HannahThere are several parenting magazines in the marketplace. Some are actually fairly helpful. The problem is none of the secular parenting magazines really address parenting issues that are of special importantance to Christian parents. Fortunately, there is a great magazine that totally focuses on helping us.

Thriving Family is a magazine focusing on Christian parenting and marriages. It has lots of short, practical articles that only take a few minutes to read. In addition to the feature articles each issue, the magazine contains regular features on family stages (dealing with the issues of children in various age groups), family media, family faith and family living.

The magazine is bi-monthly (6 issues a year) and the latest issue covered topics like anger management for kids, overcoming selfishness in marriage, toddler modesty, retooling timeouts, solution for messy rooms, logical faith (for teens) and much more.

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