Summer Reading for Empathy Development

Summer Reading for Empathy Development - Parenting Like HannahIn Kids, Prejudice and God. I shared some ideas of things you can do to help your children love people the way God would want them to do – without prejudice. Although the best way to eliminate prejudice is for your children to seek to know those who are different and spending the time to find things in common. it’s not always possible.

At times, your children will have to learn about others through books. There are some people your children may not encounter until they are much older. Perhaps your family will be spending time in a culture very different from your own. Or maybe your child was exposed to someone who seemed very different and the situation didn’t allow enough time for your child to really get to know the other person. Books can help.

Don’t believe me? Remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank? Even though nothing in that book was familiar to me when I read it, I could identify with the feelings Anne was having as she wrote in her diary. That empathy can help your children be more willing to talk to similar people when they meet them later in life.

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Kids, Prejudice and God

Kids, Prejudice and God - Parenting Like HannahWhat have you taught your kids about prejudice? Maybe you read them James 2:1-4. Perhaps you have told them all people are equal in the eyes of God. If you are really intentional, you may have had discussions about how they are to treat everyone with love – no matter who they are.

If you asked your kids how they would react if they came across people treating someone with prejudice, they would probably tell you all of the absolutely correct things they would do. Studies have shown though, when placed in a real life situation, hardly anyone reacts in the godly ways they claim they would. Most sit quietly by without saying or doing anything.

There are some concrete things you can do with your kids to improve the chances your children will treat everyone equally. You can raise kids who are the few who actually do what they think they will do when around others treating those who are different from them poorly. Your children can learn to serve and share their faith with others with the same godly empathy and love Jesus modeled for us.

There are a lot of things you can do to help your children treat everyone the way God expects from us. Here are a few of my favorites:

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Principles to Teach Kids About the “I” in Faith

Principles to Teach Kids About the "I" in Faith - Parenting Like HannahIn Teaching Kids About the “I” in Faith, I shared my concern that perhaps the real reason we are “losing” so many young people in Christianity is that we have allowed them to believe some inaccurate messages about that “I” in the word faith. It doesn’t mean your children get to always have their way in church, that they can do whatever they want without regard to God’s commands, or that entire groups of people must twist themselves into pretzels to make sure your kids are happy and entertained every time they walk into a service.

That “I” though, does have a lot of important promises and responsibilities for our kids.

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Teaching Kids About the “I” in Faith

Teaching Kids About the "I" in Faith - Parenting Like HannahYou don’t have to look very hard to find an article speculating on why young people or Millennials or Christians in general are leaving the Church. The causes range from the name of the church to the type of music to almost anything and everything people can imagine. As I read the articles, I started noticing something.

The root of every theory started with “I” messages from those leaving. “I don’t get anything from that.” “I can’t worship a God who would expect that of me or others.” “I don’t like that.” “I don’t feel close to God when that happens.” “I don’t like the way they do that.” And on and on.

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Teaching Kids to Focus on the “Paper” God Gave Them

Teaching Kids to Focus on the "Paper" God Gave Them - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever wished you had some gift from God you don’t have? Personally, I would love to be able to compose music and have an awesome singing voice. God however, to this point, has not put a single original song in my brain and I am learning to be content with just a passable singing voice.

Now, I could get really obsessive about those musical gifts God didn’t give me. I could become envious of those who have those gifts and make them feel guilty about using their gifts instead of allowing me to show them I am almost as gifted as they are in those areas. I could whine and complain, beg God, force others to pretend I have those gifts or even convince myself I have gifts I clearly don’t have. Or, I could focus on the gifts God did give me. I could develop them to their fullest potential and find all kinds of creative and fun ways to use them in service to God.

Unfortunately, I think we are subtly teaching our children that instead of focusing on the “page” or gifts and opportunities God gave them, they should compete with others to have the “best” gifts. There are a couple of messages our children are learning, which frankly I think are lies satan is promoting to undermine the Church.

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