Top Tips for Choosing Entertainment for Your Kids

Top Tips for Choosing Entertainment for Your Kids - Parenting Like HannahWhat’s the last movie you took your children to see? What are your kids’ favorite shows or games? What books do your kids read for pleasure? It would seem like entertainment marketed to their age group would be appropriate for your kids. Or if it is a “hit” all of your kids friends have seen, then surely it must be fine. Right? Not so much.

Whether we are aware of it or not, what our kids watch can influence their thinking over time. It can literally change the way their brains are hard wired in some cases – making it much more difficult to think, speak and behave in the ways God would want them to do.

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Finding Godly Mentors for Your Kids

Finding Godly Mentors for Your Kids - Parenting Like HannahYoung people today are bombarded by messages that can undermine their faith. They are often over scheduled and stressed. The pressure, along with the very mixed messages from society and their peers, can lead many of them to use ungodly and unsafe ways to try and cope.

Sadly, many young people don’t get enough meaningful attention from parents and other adults to help guide them through the ups and downs of growing up in our world. If young people do have parents who give them enough attention and guidance, they also need other adults to reinforce what their parents have taught them about what God wants for their lives.

Your kids need godly mentors in their lives. It helps them to have another adult who gives them the same advice God wants them to have. If their mentor has expertise in areas – like schools or careers – in which you may not, it also gives you and your kids another resource.

Some churches have a formal mentoring program. The ways they choose and train mentors can vary greatly. Or you may need or want to try on your own to find a godly mentor for your child. In either situation, you need to be aware of the qualities of a person who will make a great mentor for your child.

A potentially great mentor is someone who:

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Fun Ways for Kids to Practice Separating Fact From Fiction

Fun Ways for Kids to Practice Separating Fact From Fiction - Parenting Like HannahYour kids are going to be exposed to millions of bits of information in their lifetime. Some will be true, some will be false, some will contain partial truth. If you are Christian, you realize the consequences of confusing God’s truth for the world’s lies can be eternal. So it’s critical you teach your kids how to discern between truth and fiction.

In the last post, we gave you some tools to teach them for the process of trying to separate fact from fiction. To do it well and quickly though, your kids will need a lot of practice with you guiding them as they go. There are actually quite a few activities that can be fun, while also teaching them the important Christian Life Skill of discernment.

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Teaching Kids How to Separate Fact From Fiction

Teaching Kids How to Separate Fact From Fiction - Parenting Like HannahOpen any social media platform and you are immediately inundated with conflicting views on any number of subjects. Watch the news and it seems more “sources” are lying than telling the truth – or at the very least shading the facts in their favor (which is still lying). Of course, Christians often make things more confusing by insisting their opinions (like which political party is more godly) are actually scriptural and take verses out of context to “prove” their point.

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Top Tips for Helping Kids Process Emotions

Top Tips for Helping Kids Process Emotions - Parenting Like HannahTantrums, hysterical crying, stomping feet – as a parent, you are probably familiar with the strong emotions children often have – and the many ways they can be expressed.

Unfortunately, the “natural” ways kids express their emotions are not always the most healthy and godly ways to process them. As a parent, you need to help your children learn how to process their emotions in ways that are pleasing to God, yet still healthy for them.

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