6 Keys to Raising a Kind Child

6 Keys to Raising a Kind Child - Parenting Like HannahIf you have been a Christian for very long, you are probably familiar with the Fruit of the Spirit. These are a list of godly characteristics that should be obvious in the lives of Christians. (Galatians 5:22-23) Kindness is one that normally doesn’t get much attention. It’s crucial though for living a Christian life.

If you read the New Testament, a pattern becomes obvious. God wants us to love others, but how we treat people as we love them also serves to draw people towards God. They will want to know why your kids are different than other kids they know. Many will start asking questions and your kids can use those opportunities to share their faith.

Since kindness is a Fruit of the Spirit, your kids will have an easier time once they are old enough to decide to become a Christian and are baptized for the remission of their sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Making that transition will be easier though, if they don’t have to break a lot of bad habits. Training them to be kind from the beginning will make it easier when they become a Christian.

So what are the six key areas on which you should focus as you teach your kids how to be kind to others?

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Helping Kids Avoid the Comparison Trap

Helping Kids Avoid the Comparison Trap - Parenting Like HannahI’m pretty sure the tradition goes back for decades – if not centuries. Christmas afternoon, kids suddenly begin communicating with their friends. “Gabby got a new iPhone.” “Tommy got the latest gaming system.” Even the least materialistic kids in the world, begin turning the slightest shade of green with envy. The gifts that were “awesome” a few hours ago, now seem a bit sad by comparison.

Let’s be honest. We’ve probably all been there. Your engagement ring, car or house are perfectly wonderful…until you see one a friend has that’s much newer and nicer. In fact, comparisons can even have you wanting something very badly you had said you would never want only hours earlier.

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Fun Ideas for Teaching Kids to Serve in Secret

Teaching Kids to Serve in Secret - Parenting Like HannahOur culture often shouts from the mountain tops when someone helps someone else. As an educator, I understand. Society wants to encourage others to serve. They believe giving special attention and praise to people when they serve others encourages people who are more reluctant to serve others also.

Unfortunately, even in our churches we have had to point out the “good deeds” of members to reinforce and give examples of how God wants us to live our lives as Christians. Our ministries have to post the good things they do to encourage others to get involved by serving or giving. As a result, our kids may grow up believing they deserve a “pat on the back” every time they serve someone else.

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Can Your Kids Find the Hidden Messages in Their Entertainment?

Can Your Kids Find the Hidden Messages in Their Entertainment? - Parenting Like HannahWhen I was a kid, I remember someone telling us about “hidden messages” in albums if they were played backwards. Frankly, I was more curious about how in the world you could get your album to play backwards than any possible hidden messages.

As I reached my teen years, the emphasis switched from possible subliminal messages to the lyrics of songs. While I understood the concern, anyone who knows me knows I totally mis-hear most song lyrics and what I sing is nothing close to the real lyrics. (And don’t even get me started on the Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds revelation by my dad when we played it in orchestra!)

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9 Tips for Raising Hope-Filled Kids

9 Tips for Raising Hope-Filled Kids - Parenting Like HannahRecently an elementary school teacher shared they were getting suicide prevention training, because suicide rates for children were rising so drastically. There are many reasons for the rise in suicides, but one contributing factor is often that the person has lost all hope. While raising hope-filled kids won’t guarantee they will never commit suicide or harm themselves in other ways, it does greatly improve the chances they will be less likely to feel there is no hope in their lives or their worlds.

Although some children seem to be more naturally hope-filled than others, any child can become more hopeful when taught some important principles and skill sets. While there are probably many things you can do to give your kids hope, here are a few of my favorites:

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