Four Reasons Manners Training Should Be a Top Priority for Christian Parents

Four Reasons Christian Parents Must Focus on Teaching Manners - Parenting Like HannahIt happens every year. Attend any performance involving a group of children and inevitably there are one or more who are in obvious rebellion against everything they have been told to do by the director. You know the child. It is the one who shouts into the mic and laughs, even after being told multiple times for weeks to speak normally. It’s the child who screams out to audience members while others are trying to say lines or acts silly in an obvious bid to be the center of attention. (Mind you, I’m not talking about age appropriate wiggling and such.)

At the risk of being called a cranky old lady, what sends me over the edge with these children is their families. I can’t think of one time when the offender’s family has apologized or looked evenly slightly upset at their child’s behavior. Instead they egg it on in often not so subtle ways. When this happens in a church setting, I get particularly upset. What these parents don’t understand is that they are encouraging their child to have bad manners and have no regard for the feelings of the other children, the director or the families of the other children.

Manners education has been pushed aside in many homes as old fashioned and out-of-date, a product of a bygone era. Unfortunately, the lack of good manners is hurting the Church in major ways. The definition of manners in the secular world is doing what is necessary to make others feel comfortable and appreciated. There are four even more important reasons why it is essential, Christian parents spend a lot of time and effort on teaching their children good manners.

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Christmas Family Service Fun

Christmas Family Service Fun - Parenting Like HannahMy favorite part of Christmas is that our daughter has a lengthy break from college. It allows us some time together when she isn’t forced to spend a lot of time on schoolwork. This year instead of spending all of that free time with your kids in separate rooms doing different things or stuck with your total attention on devices, make a difference.

How you make a difference is totally up to your family’s creativity, energy and resources. I love this cute little idea from the Women’s Ministry at our congregation. It’s not only a little something to brighten someone’s day, but it leaves them with the name of the church of the (hopefully) nice person who was so kind and friendly to them.

Want other ideas? You can go to our parent website at Teach One Reach One and find a lot of other ideas for service projects. Or if you are on Pinterest, follow our founder Thereasa Winnett or search for her service board, where she has pinned other great service ideas from around the internet.

Service projects are a great way to teach your children lots of godly commands and principles. It gives them real world experience in who, how and why God wants us to serve. If done well, it can also give your children practice in beginning to share their faith with others. Hopefully, what you do will also make a positive difference in the lives of people who need to experience a little more of God’s love in their lives through your family.

So pull out your family calendar. Gather your kids and start planning your Christmas of serving!

Kids, Labels and God

Kids, Labels and God - Parenting Like HannahIf you are like me, clothing care labels are more confusing than helpful. Many of those international symbols are not quite as clear as I am sure their designers had hoped. Attempting to place labels on people can cause confusion and a lot of unintended problems as well.

Think about it. What labels have you been given over the years? Daughter, wife and mother are probably on your list (unless you are a dad!). Were you ever told you were slow or difficult or fat? What about gifted, beautiful or smart? Now dig even deeper. What, if anything, did those labels do to define you and what you were or weren’t capable of being or doing? Or how you believe others see you? Or if you are capable of being considered lovable by others or even God?

I recently listened to a speaker trying to explain the reason so many young people aren’t following God. We were then subjected to a solid twenty minutes or more of detailed explanations about the various generations and their labels. You’ve probably heard it. Baby boomers like XYZ. Millennials hate ABC. If you just do 123, GenX people will return to Church.

Continue reading Kids, Labels and God

Theme Bible Verses for Kids

Theme Bible Verses for Kids - Parenting Like HannahBack in the times of the Bible, the names given to children were meaningful. Not just that the names had an original meaning which may or may not have been considered. Children were often named for the hopes their parents had for their future or unfortunately for some (poor Jabez! I Chronicles 4:9) what they put their mothers through in labor and delivery.

When we were pregnant with our daughter, I had a name I loved. When we did the ultrasound and she waved…well let’s just say, Katrina (and the Waves for music fans) was a natural fit. We loved both of our daughter’s names meant purity. We even gave her a theme song “Walking On Sunshine” by of course, Katrina and the Waves.

I don’t know why we didn’t think of giving her a theme verse as well. The other day, a guy I went to church with as a child was celebrating the birthday of one of his kids. His wife posted their child’s theme verse as part of the celebration on Facebook. I absolutely love that idea. The idea of having a verse of scripture as a part of your identity from the very start.

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids To Be Patient With Others

Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids Patience 2 - Parenting Like HannahIn Fun Ways to Teach Kids Patience, I gave you activities to do to help your kids develop patience while waiting on God to fulfill His promises or while waiting on God’s perfect timing. Today, I want to give you some things you can do to help your kids develop the other type of patience – keeping their cool when someone or something is getting on their “last nerve”.

This is the kind of patience God requires us to give to others. Not because we are waiting for them to do something good for us, but because we want to treat them as we would wish to be treated. It’s the type of patience so rare in our world today. Just by having it, your children will stand out in a way that will make people want to listen when they share their faith.

Continue reading Fun Ways to Teach Kids To Be Patient With Others