Christian Kids and Delayed Gratification

Christian Kids and Delayed Gratification- Parenting Like HannahEvery now and then you may see an article mentioning the Stanford “marshmallow experiment”. Decades ago, researchers tested a group of young children to see if they could delay gratification. The kids were given a favorite treat and told if they would wait and not eat it for a time, they would be given a second one. If they didn’t wait and ate it immediately, they wouldn’t receive another treat.

The researchers recorded which students ate the treat immediately, which ones called the researcher back early (a third option which meant they got a second treat, but not their favorite) and which kids were able to wait the entire fifteen minutes and receive the second preferred treat.

The study didn’t stop there though. Over the years, the researchers went back to these same students and took various measures of how “successfully” they were navigating various aspects of life. Later in life, the children who had been able to delay gratification were described by others as being more competent, had higher SAT scores and even bran scans at middle age, showed two areas of their brain were more highly developed than those areas in the other subjects.

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Raising Missionaries

Raising Missionaries - Parenting Like Hannah
Preparing for a mission trip

This week, I am actually on a mission trip to the country of Honduras. Our team will be working with several hundred public school children and serving others in the community. This trip is a little bittersweet for me, because it is the first time in many years I have gone on a mission trip to another country without my husband and daughter. This time my husband didn’t have enough vacation time and our daughter is completing her study abroad year in Europe. Our family has always loved our family mission trips and yours can too.

Below is a post I wrote some time ago about things we were doing with the kids in our church to encourage them to do mission work. Many of these things you can do on a smaller scale at home. Prayerfully consider taking your family on a mission trip. Done properly, mission trips can help others and provide opportunities for spiritual growth in your family.

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Fun Ways To Teach Kids About Absolute Truth

Fun Ways To Teach Kids About Absolute Truth - Parenting Like Hannah

If you read the post on teaching kids about absolute truth, you probably realize how important it is. Other than constantly discussing it, what are some things you can do with your kids to help them understand that not everything in life is a gray area? How can you help them understand God’s truth is absolute and for any time and any place?

Absolute truth is an abstract concept and young children will have a hard time understanding it. You can do things with even the youngest of children though to start making them think and discuss the idea that there is a truth that is not up to a person’s opinion. There are probably a lot of things you can do, but here are a few to get you started:

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Teaching Kids About Absolute Truth

Teaching Kids About Absolute Truth - Parenting Like HannahDid you know that almost everyone in your child’s world – even many Christians – will try to convince your child almost everything in life is a gray area? With the possible exception of murder and a few other crimes, most people today believe in relativism. Everything in life is relative and truth is whatever the person decides is truth.

The result is, very few people believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. Of, they may believe in the absolutes of math and probably accept everything their science teacher teaches them as absolute truth. Anything the Bible teaches though is presented as highly suspect. After all, the reasoning goes, most of it was written thousands of years ago by people who are not as educated and sophisticated as we are.

Of course, what the writers attribute to God was merely a collection of myths and popular wisdom of the day. They will even point to other societies that have similar stories of a flood or taught a few similar laws as examples that it was merely the culture of the time, not God’s rules and principles that are true for all times and places.

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Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Notice God’s Little Opportunities

Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Notice God's Little Opportunities - Parenting Like HannahIn God, Kids and the Little Things, I shared how God will give your kids lots of opportunities to serve others almost every day. Often your kids (like the rest of us) will not even notice these things. They will go through their day oblivious to the chances God is giving them to serve Him, often by serving others and sharing their faith. They will miss out on some amazing God adventures because they didn’t even see His invitation to join Him. They will miss opportunities to grow their faith by watching how God works in their world.

If you want to help your kids not miss the opportunities God gives them, you will have to get them out of the natural human tendency to be a bit self-absorbed. We all have a tendency to get so wrapped up in what we are doing that we can cause mayhem in our wake and not even realize it. Forget about noticing those somewhat subtle invitations to join God in touching the lives around us. Sometimes we even miss the huge blinking neon billboards from people God wants us to serve.

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