Fun Ways to Teach Kids Godly Principles During the Holidays

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Godly Principles During the Holidays - Parenting Like HannahOne of the best things about the holidays is that your kids get time off from school and many of their activities. Bed times can be a bit later, because they can sleep in a little longer. You have more time at home together.

What does your family do with that extended family time? If you use even some of that time more intentionally, you can have fun with your kids while teaching them some important things God wants them to know.

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Why Your Child With Special Needs Has An Important Place in God’s Kingdom

Why Your Child With Special Needs Has An Important Place in God's Kingdom - Parenting Like HannahAs a child, one of my favorite stories in the Bible was Mephibosheth. There was something fascinating to me about the idea of David honoring a promise to his friend Jonathan. In a time when David would have been considered justified to have killed Mephibosheth as a member of his “opposition”, he basically made Mephibosheth a member of his family. Oh, there were a few hiccups later, but they had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Mephibosheth had special needs.

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How Raising Godly Children Changes the World

How Raising Godly Children Changes the World - Parenting Like HannahWe have recently been in one of those lovely spells where we are having constant car troubles. Did I mention it was with both of our cars? It’s never fun, but our experiences reminded me of something important.

You see, throughout this journey, we have had many negative experiences. From mechanics who didn’t learn the skills they needed to really do their job well, to mechanics who weren’t doing their best – making mistakes a brand new mechanic shouldn’t make, to over-charging, unkept promises and lies – we have experienced a wide range of the problems in our world.

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Helping Your Kids Bring Their Christian Faith to School

Helping Your Kids Bring Their Christian Faith to School - Parenting Like HannahThere is a misconception that God is somehow not allowed to enter public schools. In reality, your kids usually have much more latitude than we tend to think. Often, the cases you hear about in the news are isolated, have special circumstances or are later overturned.

Your children can share their faith in ways subtle enough that even the fussiest school districts would allow them. Here are some of our favorites:

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Fun Way to Use Sea Glass to Teach Your Kids About God

What Sea Glass Can Teach Your Kids About God - Parenting Like HannahSo many concepts in the Bible are difficult for children to understand. All young children (and many older children) are concrete thinkers. When they read scriptures talking about God using a “refiner’s fire” (Zechariah 13:9 and more), they may believe God literally uses fire somehow. Even though the references to God as the potter and us as His clay (Isaiah 64:8) are a bit more concrete, they can still confuse children, who may wonder how they are clay.

Sometimes actually showing children items and explaining them in more depth can help them process metaphors and analogies in the Bible a bit more easily. When you think of all of those scriptures and others like them, there is a basic underlying concept. Because we – in this case your children – are born as babies into a fallen world, we aren’t fully yet what God created us to be.

God sends circumstances and people, gives us the Bible, and at baptism the Holy Spirit to help us grow to become more like His image in which we were created. What better example for that than sea glass?

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