Encouragement for Moms

Encouragement For Moms - Parenting Like HannahBeing a mom has a lot of highs and lows. There are days you love your role so much it hurts. You want to cuddle those precious children forever. Then there are days full of bodily fluids, crying and frustration. You feel like you might just be the worst mom ever.

I was interested when offered a chance to review The Mother Letters by Amber and Seth Haines. This small book is full of encouraging words for moms. It is actually a collection of letters a variety of women have written to encourage mothers. Each letter has a theme and at only two or three pages, they are quick and easy reads.

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Worry and Christian Parenting

Worry and Christian Parenting - Parenting lIke HannahMaybe it’s just me, but it seems like worry and parenting come hand in hand into your life. It begins with the strange sensation that if you don’t watch carefully, that new little bundle of joy might not breathe. Pretty quickly most first time parents learn to control this original fear.

As your child grows the fear and worries just seem to change with your child. “Will my child ever sleep through the night?” “What if he never learns to use the potty?” “Will she always need a nightlight?” “Are they in the right school?” The list may vary from parent to parent, but it seems we all worry at some point.

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Moms As Leaders

Moms As Leaders - Parenting Like HannahForget about Presidents, Queens and CEO’s. The most important leaders in the world are Moms. Think about it for a minute. Mothers often have more influence and impact (good or bad) on the future leaders and “regular” people of the world than almost anyone else.

Whether you realize it or not, you and your spouse are leaders. You have the responsibility for leading your children. If you are a Christian, hopefully you are leading your kids towards worshipping and obeying God, and living the lives He wants them to live.

Yet moms are often ignored when it comes time for leadership training. There is usually no paycheck for being a mom and Mother-of-the-Year awards are few and far between. In fact if they were honest, most people who write leadership books would smirk just a bit at the idea of a mom with three kids under the age of three needing leadership development. And yet, we do.

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What Your Kids Need Most

What Your Kids Need Most - Parenting Like HannahLast week I was in Honduras on a mission trip. Over the course of the week, we worked with probably over six hundred kids and teens. We got to interact and talk with them. We spent time teaching, correcting and loving them.

Looking back on the week, the same theme was repeated that I hear whenever I work with kids in the U.S. or any other country. Kids have some basic needs that go to the very core of their being. No matter how much teachers and volunteers try, they can never meet these core needs the way a parent can.

Your kids need some things from you to be healthy, productive people. They need these things desperately if you want them to be faithful, productive Christians. If you try to cut corners in providing these things to your kids, they will suffer and ultimately so will you.

So what do your kids need from you?
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Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Notice God’s Little Opportunities

Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Notice God's Little Opportunities - Parenting Like HannahIn God, Kids and the Little Things, I shared how God will give your kids lots of opportunities to serve others almost every day. Often your kids (like the rest of us) will not even notice these things. They will go through their day oblivious to the chances God is giving them to serve Him, often by serving others and sharing their faith. They will miss out on some amazing God adventures because they didn’t even see His invitation to join Him. They will miss opportunities to grow their faith by watching how God works in their world.

If you want to help your kids not miss the opportunities God gives them, you will have to get them out of the natural human tendency to be a bit self-absorbed. We all have a tendency to get so wrapped up in what we are doing that we can cause mayhem in our wake and not even realize it. Forget about noticing those somewhat subtle invitations to join God in touching the lives around us. Sometimes we even miss the huge blinking neon billboards from people God wants us to serve.

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