Are You a Spiritually Engaged Christian Parent?

Are You a Spiritually Engaged Christian Parent? - Parenting Like HannahHelicopter parents. Tiger moms. Laissez faire parents. Free range parents. It seems like every time you look up, there is some new type of parenting. Most of these end up doing more harm than good for the long term development of kids.

Christian parenting is even more challenging. You are trying to help your kids develop not just appropriate behaviors, but to also have godly hearts. Who knows if the parenting flavor of the month can have any positive impact on spiritual parenting?

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Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Enrolling Your Child In An Activity

Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Enrolling Your Child In An Activity - Parenting Like HannahIt seems to start as soon as they can walk and talk – sometimes even before. Parents are bombarded with invitations to enroll their kids in a multitude of activities – all claiming to guarantee your child’s future success.

Every one of these activities can and usually does give you a long list of all of the wonderful benefits your child will receive by allowing them to have your child’s time (and usually some of your money). It’s hard to even begin to filter through all of the options.

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Teaching Your Baby About God

Teaching Your Baby About God - Parenting Like HannahYou are holding your precious baby in your arms. This amazing gift from God will hopefully have almost two decades growing up in your home. At the moment, he or she can’t speak, walk or do much of anything. It’s too early to even think about teaching this little soul about God. Or is it?

The sooner you develop healthy Christian parenting habits, the more likely you are to help your child build a strong spiritual foundation. Every child is different and there really isn’t a good way of measuring when each one begins processing what is said to them. That’s why it’s so important to start teaching your sweet baby about God from birth.

So what should you be teaching a baby about God and how?

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Is This a Contest? Free, Fun, Flexible Family Devotional

Is This a Contest? Free, Fun, Flexible Family Devotional - Parenting Like HannahWe tend to think of Christianity as non-competitive. In most ways it isn’t competitive. Believe it or not though, there are several Bible stories that involve some sort of competition.

There is a lot your kids can learn  from any of these Bible stories, but you can choose which one you think they need the most.

So, let’s get started.

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5 Logical Fallacies Christian Young People Need to Understand

5 Logical Fallacies Christian Young People Need to Understand - Parenting Like HannahYou already know Satan will use other people to try and convince your kids to reject God’s teachings and eventually God, himself. You want to prepare your kids, so they are armed for this battle of words, but may not be sure how to exactly do that.

Obviously, one of the best things you can do is make sure your children really know and understand what is in the Bible. Sometimes though, the people wanting them to reject God and His commands will play a verbal chess game with your kids. They will make use of rhetorical tricks to convince your kids a lie is the truth.

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