Christian Parents and the Quality Versus Quantity Time Debate

Christian Parents and the Quality Versus Quantity Time DebateIt happened again today. The morning shows on television were trumpeting the results of some new study “proving” the quality of the time spent with children is more important than the quantity of time. These sorts of reports and studies circulate periodically, reassuring over scheduled, working parents their children will be “just fine” with the few minutes of time a day most spend with them.

It’s not that I disagree with the study in theory. Even before smart phones and computers, there were many parents who were in the same house or even the same room with their children for many hours a day without meaningful interaction with them. On the other hand, I always wonder what the standard for “just fine” really is, not just in these studies, but in God’s eyes.

One of my favorite parenting verses is Deuteronomy 11:19 “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (NIV) It sounds like God sets up a parenting expectation of quality and quantity time. God is calling parents to raise children equipped not just to obey God, but to glorify Him, serve others and share their faith. In today’s world, that is not as easy to do as one would hope.

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids About God’s Plans and Timing

Fun Ways to Teach Kids About God's Plans and Timing - Parenting Like HannahChristians often get confused about God’s plans and His timing. We tend to get our feelings, popular culture and out-of-context Bible scriptures all muddled in our brains. The final version either comes out “God’s only plan for us is to obey and get to Heaven” or God is “the ultimate fairy Godfather sent to grant all of our wishes (or He isn’t much of a God at all)”.

The reality painted by scripture is somewhat different. In the last post, we discussed the importance of God’s plans and His timing. Our children need to understand life isn’t just about getting baptized and avoiding sin to get to Heaven (although that is vital) nor is our every wish going to be fulfilled because we are a Christian. Rather, God has certain things He would like us to do with our time here on earth. I believe He guides us to see His plan if we are watchful. I also believe He has a perfect timing in mind.

Those concepts are difficult enough for adults to comprehend and accept. How in the world do we teach them to our kids? I think there are a few fun things you can do to help your children understand God does indeed have a plan for their lives and has specific timing He wants for certain events. There are probably many things you can do, but here are a few fun ones to get you started:

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Helping Kids Understand God’s Plans and Timing

Helping Kids Understand God's Plans and TimingOur family has had more question marks than periods and exclamation points for the last year. My husband’s mother died and his dad is suffering from the final stages of dementia. Our daughter graduated and moved across country to attend college, with its four years of never-ending question marks. My years as a stay-at-home mom are over and my various ministries are shifting in major ways. We have long periods of time where everything seems confusing and frustrating. Sometimes it seems impossible to see God’s plans for our lives or understand His timing.

When your children experience periods of life with more questions than answers, they may begin to question whether God does indeed have a plan for their lives. They may begin to question the timing God has clearly put into place. They may sadly even begin to question if God is indeed Lord of all the Universe when it appears He can’t give them the simplest answers or get His timing “right”.

It’s not just us though. Poor Abram and Sarai! They wanted kids just like most couples in their time. Yet year after year in their marriage passed with no children. God appears when they have probably long ago given up hope and tells them they will have more descendants than the stars in the Heaven. Suddenly, hope is restored. Then time passes and nothing happens. Still no kids.

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What a Garden Can Teach Kids About Faith

What a Garden Can Teach Kids About Faith - Parenting Like HannahWhen I was a child, our family had a garden about a half acre in size. It doesn’t sound like much for a yard maybe; but as a garden – it was huge. Besides providing our family with year around practically free fruits and vegetables, that garden taught us a lot of lessons about work, life and even faith.

You don’t have to have any yard to grow a garden. Life in New York City taught me about container and patio gardens. Really all you need is some dirt, some seeds or starter plants and an outdoor space. Let your children help plan the garden and buy the supplies. Their participation in the planting and care of the plants and seeds is crucial if you want to use the garden to teach your children some faith lessons.

The actual plants you use is not really important. You could have some extra fun trying to grow plants mentioned in the Bible, but any plants that produce food will work. There are several possible faith lessons you can teach your children with your garden, but here are a few of my favorites:

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Helping Kids Find Answers to Their Questions About God

Helping Kids Find Answers to Their Questions About God _ Parenting Like HannahKids ask the best questions. Because so many things are new to them, they often develop an interesting perspective on what will later become common knowledge. Unfortunately, many schools are designed in ways that discourage questioning and a love of learning. Children who just a few years ago were full of wonder and questions lose the light in their eyes and begin to lose interest in learning new things as well.

Life though, can present unusual opportunities and challenges which should cause our children to question. When faced with a choice, especially a potentially life-changing one, we should want our children to ask a lot of questions. Hopefully, many of these questions will revolve around what God would want them to do in the situation.

Many parents join the movement to stop children from asking questions- especially about God and the Bible. They want their children to develop love for God and a desire to worship and serve Him. What these parents don’t feel prepared for is the ability to answer the sometimes extremely tough questions our children can have. What if I don’t know the answer? Worse yet, what happens if I tell them something wrong? Will they think I am stupid because I don’t know something? Will I “mess up” their faith in some way?

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