Why a Stubborn Child Is a Good Thing

Why a Stubborn Child Is a Good Thing - Parenting Like HannahFirst things first. Let’s be really clear on the meaning of stubborn. Stubborn is not being disobedient and disrespectful – even when corrected. That is rebellion. Stubborn is not insisting on having your way – no matter what. That is selfishness. Stubborn is not continuing an argument forever because you are determined to be right despite the costs. That is being controlling.

Stubborn is what used to be called perseverance. We don’t use that word any more, and it’s a shame. Stubborn sounds ugly and often it is, because people don’t define it properly. Stubborn – in the perseverance sense of the word – is a wonderful quality you need to train your child to have. Perseverance is your child’s ability to stick to doing, saying and thinking what is godly, loving, pure, good, uplifting, giving and beautiful no matter the circumstances.

Stubborn is sticking to an important godly task and seeing it through until its completion. It is doing what God needs you to be doing for the Kingdom whether it is serving or sharing your faith – even when things get tough. Raising a truly, godly stubborn child will result in a child who:

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Fighting For Your Child’s Heart

Fighting For Your Child's Life - Parenting Like Hannah

Much has been written and discussed about when to intervene on behalf of your children and how much a parent should be involved. The truth is, every situation is a little different and it is difficult to make blanket statements about those sorts of things. There is one time though, every parent should intervene quickly and that is in the battle for your child’s heart.

As parents, we often become so focused on our child’s behavior we don’t even really consider how their hearts are developing. We just assume if they are obedient, they have obedient and humble hearts. We just know if they say “Yes, Sir” their hearts are respectful and considerate. Yet, as I have worked with hundreds of children and teens over the years, I have seen many obedient, polite children who had some of the most disrespectful, prideful hearts I have ever seen.

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Raising a Barnabas

Raising a Barnabas - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Joe Shlabotnik

To me, one of the most interesting people in the Bible is Barnabas. What kind of person was he that he was best known for encouraging people? Was he just a cheerleader for everyone, or was there more to the story?

It would be great if we could raise children who were encouragers like Barnabas. But what exactly did Barnabas do that we could also teach our kids?

I went back and read everything in the Bible I could find about Barnabas. Barnabas was much, much more than the cheerleader we somehow picture. Here is what I found and how it could translate to skills we teach our own children:

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Fun Ways to Teach Listening Skills

Fun Ways to Teach Listening Skills - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Richard Baxter

Listening is an art. While we might be able to hear what someone is saying, if we don’t listen carefully, what they mean can be totally lost. As we try to raise our children to become effective, involved Christians, listening is one of the most important skills we can teach them.

In my last post, I shared some of the ways excellent listening skills can help your child minister to others and share their faith more effectively. You may have been a little overwhelmed. After all, your child can’t seem to listen to even your most simple instructions and follow them correctly. How can you possibly train them to actively listen to others without constant nagging?

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Surprising Reasons Your Kids Need to Be Good Listeners

Surprising Reasons Your Kids Need to Be Good Listeners - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Allie Wojtaszek

There is a minister I know who does something I believe is very unique. When he sees a homeless person, he doesn’t just offer them food. He sits down and asks them their story. He listens as they share whatever they want to share with him about their past, their problems, their worries and more. He has a better chance of making a lasting impact on the life of that person than a program that interacts with that same person every day for a year. Why? Because Matt takes the time to really listen to what the person needs to say.

There are very few good listeners alive today. In fact, I believe the entire industry of counseling is built in part by people willing to pay someone to just listen to them. If we want our children to be effective in serving others and sharing their faith, they have to be good listeners. Talking and doing have their place in ministry, but it is listening that can change the world.

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