Fun Ways to Practice Conversational Skills With Kids

Fun Ways to Practice Conversational Skills With Kids - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Charles Dobie

Your children need to develop great conversational skills. Not only will it help them in any occupation they choose to pursue, but it can also make them a more effective Christian. In order to serve others and share their faith, our children need to be able to communicate effectively and listen actively.

Christians can’t help others in meaningful ways if they don’t understand what the people they are serving really need. Our children can’t share their faith effectively if they can’t communicate it in a way that impacts the hearer. We aren’t reflecting God’s love to others if we speak in ways that make the other person feel unloved.

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Kids, Conversations, and God

Kids, Conversations, and God - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Paul Fitzgerald

Recently a mother told me about a sleepover her daughter had hosted. She peeked in on the girls at one point because it had gotten so quiet. The girls were sitting around the room texting and playing video games on their telephones. She had to remove the devices to get them to interact with each other.

In some, ways the scenario is amusing. It is a real reflection of how technical devices amuse (and possibly control!) almost everyone in our society. On the other hand, I am afraid this generation of children will be unable to converse effectively with another human being.

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Creative Ways for Kids to Express Gratitude

Creative Ways for Kids to Express Gratitude - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by darling1s

Looking for creative ways for your children to express their gratitude to others? Showing gratitude is a great way for us to show others God’s love and ours. Your children can verbalize their appreciation or write a note, but sometimes it’s fun to get a little creative when you thank someone.

The next time your children want to show someone their appreciation, try having fun with one of these ideas:

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Kids, Thank You Notes, and God

Kids, Thank You Notes, and God - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Orin Zebest

After “dada” and “mama”, my daughter’s first two words were “peas” and “tanks”. We believed it was important to teach our daughter to be polite, considerate and appreciative as early as we possibly could. Fast forward sixteen years later and our daughter has become the polite, considerate, gracious young woman we hoped to raise. She will fight to the bitter end for God and what she believes is right, but her spirit is gracious.

Why was it so important to us that she be taught to be grateful? The Bible mentions the word “thanks” dozens of times. Almost all of them have the word “give” before it, as in “give thanks.” It only makes sense God as the Creator, would want His creation to be grateful. Not only for being created, but also for all of the other many blessings God provides for us on a regular basis.

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Fun Ways to Raise a Considerate Child

Fun Ways to Raise a Considerate Child - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Michael Whitney

Have you ever attempted to go through a store door with your arms overflowing with a baby, your diaper bag and several shopping parcels, only to have the person in front of you let the door shut in your face? Ever been sick and tried to sleep when suddenly it sounds like the circus has come to your living room?

Putting someone else’s interests before your own is not just good manners, it is consideration. In fact the Apostle Paul writes, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility, value others above yourself.” (Philippians 2:3 NIV)

Being considerate of others is tough. Satan makes sure we understand how annoying it will be to put the interests of the other person before our own. And the payback is minimal at best (Satan would continue.). There are no “Considerate Person of the Year” awards. People will rarely jump up and down because you were considerate. There are no ticker tape parades for considerate people.

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