Teaching Kids About the Ripple Effect of Their Choices


Teaching Kids About the Ripple Effect of Their Choices - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever made what you thought was a simple choice – only to find out later your decision touched your life in more ways than you realized it would? That’s a problem many people have with making consistently wise, godly choices – they only consider the immediate results of that one decision. Teaching your children a decision can have a ripple effect that goes far beyond what they imagined is an essential lesson – especially for children being raised in Christian homes.

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Christian Parenting: Does Quality or Quantity Time Make the Difference?

Christian Parenting: Does Quality or Quantity Time Make the Difference? - Parenting Like HannahThere was an interesting article in the New York Post this weekend. The thrust of the article was that parents aren’t doing anything positive by occasionally having lunch with their kids at school. Read closely though, and you will notice the main “source” is someone who seems to resent her child constantly bugging her to come have lunch at school with him or her.

The modern parenting narrative has become one in which the parent’s wants and needs always come before the wants and needs of the child. We pretend there are parents who are overly involved in the lives of their children, but the sad truth is the vast majority of kids don’t get any of the things they really need from their parents. Instead parents provide lots of “stuff” and swoop in to “save the day” if Johnny or Susie becomes unhappy for some reason.

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids Godly Principles During the Holidays

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Godly Principles During the Holidays - Parenting Like HannahOne of the best things about the holidays is that your kids get time off from school and many of their activities. Bed times can be a bit later, because they can sleep in a little longer. You have more time at home together.

What does your family do with that extended family time? If you use even some of that time more intentionally, you can have fun with your kids while teaching them some important things God wants them to know.

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Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Enrolling Your Child In An Activity

Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Enrolling Your Child In An Activity - Parenting Like HannahIt seems to start as soon as they can walk and talk – sometimes even before. Parents are bombarded with invitations to enroll their kids in a multitude of activities – all claiming to guarantee your child’s future success.

Every one of these activities can and usually does give you a long list of all of the wonderful benefits your child will receive by allowing them to have your child’s time (and usually some of your money). It’s hard to even begin to filter through all of the options.

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Christian Kids and Dating

Christian Kids and Dating - Parenting Like HannahParents often start talking about dating when their child comes home announcing he or she wants to go on a first date. Sadly for many teens, creating a heart that is ready to date on God’s terms, should have begun many years earlier when they were still children.

Christian parents often think they are protecting their kids by refusing to talk about dating, sex, purity, marriage and other similar topics until the teen years. What these parents don’t realize is that their children are most likely already having these conversations with peers or using television shows, movies and the internet to learn about them.

Having these conversations with your kids is uncomfortable even for those comfortable talking about those topics with their spouses and other adults. And for those who aren’t comfortable, having their teeth pulled without novocaine sounds a lot more fun.

If you don’t have these conversations though, you are setting your kids up for failure. The pressure to act in ungodly ways is hard enough on any teen or young adult. For those who haven’t been given enough tools to deal with it in godly ways, they will be particularly likely to give in to peer pressure.

So what sorts of conversations should you have with children about these sensitive, but important topics?

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