Fun Way To Teach Kids About Developing and Using Their Gifts From God

Fun Way to Teach Kids About Developing and Using Their Gifts From God - Parenting Like HannahDid you know a few strips of scrap leather and some ping pong balls can teach your kids a lot about identifying, developing and using their gifts from God? That’s right. You see the story of David and Goliath has a lot more to teach us than we generally realize, because we don’t understand a lot about shepherding and warfare in ancient Israel.

David was the youngest of a lot of boys. They were old enough to join the army fighting the Philistines. He was left at home to care for the family flocks. Your kids will be interested to learn the family wealth at the time was generally in their herds. Entrusting David to care for the flocks would be like you withdrawing all of your cash from the bank and giving it to your child to keep safe from being lost, stolen or eaten. (Okay, no one would probably eat your cash, but you see the point!)

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Beauty and Christian Teens

Christian Teens and Beauty - Parenting Like HannahWhen I was a teen, it was difficult to feel beautiful. Just when my type of hair or features would come into style, another feature of my appearance would go out of style. It never seemed like everything about me ever fit the mold of pretty or beautiful.

I would imagine many teen girls today feel the same. Those models in the magazines always look so beautiful. There is some little part of our brain that always thinks “If only I…”, then we would look just like that. (Ironically, becoming friends with several professional models in my twenties help free me from this notion. Although they were still beautiful, they often barely resembled their photographs.)

I’m always looking for books to encourage teen girls to look at themselves in healthier, more godly ways. Something that will give them the confidence, feeling less than takes from them. The confidence they need to truly reach their godly potential.

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Fun Way to Connect Kids to God’s Creation and Scripture

Fun Ways to Connect Kids to Nature and Scripture - Parenting Like HannahOne of the ways to get kids interested in reading the Bible is to show them all of the connections to the things they are interested in and love. Have children who love nature and/or science? Take them to a dollar or craft store and find a journal, preferably one meant for drawing pictures with unlined pages. Have each child pack a sack with their journal, some drawing and coloring pencils, some paper towels and make sure to bring a camera along, too.

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Service Scavenger Hunt For Kids and Teens

Service Scavenger Hunt With Kids and Teens - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever put something by the door so you wouldn’t forget to take it with you, then stepped over it on your way out – only to arrive without the needed item? The Christian life can be like that most of the time. We tell our kids (and ourselves) the story of the Good Samaritan and how we need to love and serve our neighbors, and then miss dozens of opportunities each day to do just that.

One of the best ways to help your kids grow up to become Christians who live their faith, is to help them be constantly aware of the opportunities God gives them to serve Him. Many of these opportunities come in the form of serving others and sharing their faith while they do it. I can promise you though, no matter how many times you discuss it as a family or model it, your kids will still not see many of these opportunities.

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Essential Read for Teens

Essential Read for Teens - Parenting Like HannahRun, do not walk to the bookstore and get your teens a copy of this book.  5: A Teen’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Paige Drygas is a definite must-read for every teen. Written by the author of the other best-selling “Love Languages” books, this one shares the information in ways that are more relatable to teens.

If you have read any of his other books, the basic information in this one will be familiar. As far as I can tell, he doesn’t change the love languages from book to book. What he did do though, is use examples that are more common in the lives of teens.

There are a few things I really appreciated about this book. (He may have mentioned them in his others, but it’s been awhile since I have read them.) First, I loved that he just didn’t stop with the five languages, but helped teens sort through a few special issues they may have with them. He covers how to discover their own language accurately, family issues, handling anger and my particular favorite – the idea of “romantic” love being a choice, too. That last chapter alone could be an important concept for preventing future divorces.

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