Helping Your Kids Stand Strong Against Bullies and Mean Girls

Helping Your Kids Stand Strong Against Bullies and Mean Girls - Parenting Like HannahRarely a week goes by without hearing about some teen who committed suicide or a terrible act of violence because of bullying. Bullying isn’t new. In fact, I would imagine everyone reading this was teased or bullied to the point of tears at some point in their life.

Parents have struggled for years to find ways to help their children deal with the inevitable feelings of sadness, fear or worry that often result from the behavior of bullies. You probably heard “They are just jealous.”, “Ignore her” or “Stand up to him” from your own parents.

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Join the Parenting Like Hannah Fun on Facebook

Join the Parenting Like Hannah Fun on Facebook - Parenting Like HannahPart of the expansion of Parenting Like Hannah is our new Facebook page. This page allows me to share with you quick ideas and tips, freebies and a place to interact with each other more easily. In the last week on the Parenting Like Hannah Facebook page, I shared a great link to get lots of free Christian e-books, a fun activity to do with your kids to help them remember the resurrection story and alerted people to a great event in the Atlanta area.

Go to your Facebook page, type in “Parenting Like Hannah” in the search box  and click on the “like” button once you get there or click the Facebook icon on this page and join the fun. Facebook is always playing around with our feeds, so make sure you like or comment on a post from Parenting Like Hannah periodically, or it may disappear from your view.

While you are clicking on things, make sure to follow Parenting Like Hannah on Twitter or my personal Pinterest account. The content varies on each social media format, so to get all of the “goodies” from Parenting Like Hannah you will need to follow everything. I hate having the same thing sent to me on everything, so I will try to keep it interesting for you. Start clicking and join the fun!

New Resource for Teaching Kids About Money

New Resource for Teaching Kids About Money - Parenting Like HannahRarely do I recommend a resource after I have given its initial review. A new resource is released tomorrow I believe is so important, I am going to break my unwritten rule. One of the biggest sources of confusion for many Christians and of conflict in many marriages is the subject of money. Oh, God gives us pretty clear guidelines, but knowing how to put them into practice can be tough if not almost impossible for many.

Whether you constantly struggle with debt and finances or feel you have a good, godly grasp on the subject, you may wonder how to pass on skills for handling money, that will not only prevent your children from the stress of debt, but teach them how to use their money in godly ways. Smart Money Smart Kids is written by Dave Ramsey and his adult daughter Rachel Cruze. The book does one of the best jobs I have seen of not only explaining what money skills you need to teach your children, but exactly how to do it.

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Raising a Humble Child

Raising a Humble Child - Parenting Like Hannah
Having your feet washed can be more humbling
than washing someone’s feet

Humility gets a bad rap in today’s world. People often associate the idea of humility with being a doormat, unwilling to stand up for anything and letting people take advantage of you. People may verbally say it is great to be humble, but they certainly don’t act like it.

“Toot your own horn.” “If you don’t promote yourself, who will?” “Demand what is rightfully yours!” Our children hear over and over again how they need to shout their personal greatness to the world so everyone can truly appreciate them and they will get what they are “due”.

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Answering Kids’ Tough Questions About the Bible

Answering Kids' Tough Questions About the Bible - Parenting Like Hannah
100 Tough Questions about God and the Bible by Stephen M. Miller

Kids are great with questions. They can ask “Why?” at the end of even the most thought-out response. Many parents are afraid of studying the Bible with their children – mainly because of the questions their kids may ask. Don’t worry though. You don’t have to know all of the answers. It is perfectly acceptable to tell a child the two of you need to do a little research on the subject and find the answer to that great question together.

Of course, your next question to me is “Where do I go for the answers?” Unless you are a very strong Christian who has studied the Bible for years, I would avoid Google and Wikipedia at all costs. For every grounded Christian who writes something there are multiple agnostics, atheists and very confused people who write something that is so far from the Biblical truth as to be scary.

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