Talking to Kids About God

Talking to Kids About God- Parenting Like HannahWhen my daughter was an infant, I used to put her in the stroller and take long walks around our neighborhood. Looking back, I am sure people driving by probably thought I was a little strange, as I talked to her constantly the entire time. Whether I was pointing out things for her to notice or telling her stories about what we would do later, she heard constant chatter.

Studies have shown talking to infants makes a huge difference in their intellectual growth. By the age of two years, babies who had been spoken to a lot by their parents were up to six months developmentally ahead of children who heard little conversation from their parents. (Guardian Feb. 14, 2014, Ian Sample) In fact, according to Mr. Sample, Professor Erika Hoff stated, “Children cannot learn what they don’t hear.”

What a powerful thought! Our children cannot learn what they don’t hear. Even more importantly, the article quoted experts as saying television and iPhones were no substitute for adults talking to their children about things they might find interesting. Healthy language and intellectual development were dependent on direct, focused, parental involvement.

What if we applied educational science to spiritual education? How would this information apply to teaching our children about God? What things would we need to do to make sure our children were learning about God in the best possible ways? What if we were as concerned about our child’s spiritual development as we are about their language development?

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Bible Review Fun

Bible Review Fun - Parenting Like HannahFor Bible stories and principles to become a permanent part of your child’s memory, they must be repeated many times over the course of many years. As a parent and teacher, I am always looking for new ways to make review a little more fun. Yesterday, we decided to use a game to review everything we had learned over the summer. My husband invented the original normal table sized version of this game and we took it up a notch by making it life-sized!

There are a few keys to making any review game successful. Fun of course is important, but your students need to really know the material well before playing. When we played this yesterday, the children who knew the material were very competitive and running like crazy. Visitors who had never been taught any of the information struggled a bit more.

To compensate for different knowledge levels, you can tweak the rules of any game. We had teams consisting of a mix of ages and knowledge levels so one team didn’t dominate the others. We also allowed children on the teams to take turns answering, so one child on each team didn’t dominate. I also threw in a few simple questions which went with our theme, but were very basic Bible knowledge (Ex. “Everything we have is from ____.)

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Making Childhood Sticky

Making CHildhood Sticky - Parenting Like HannahRaising small children is indeed a sticky endeavor. In this case, sticky refers to memorable experiences that “stick” with your child throughout life. What I want to talk about specifically is making God, worship, Church, service and faith sharing a part of the precious memories of your children’s childhood. What can you do to make those memories special, fond ones? How can you help imprint those memories so that if your children are ever tempted to leave God and the Church, those memories call them back?

Here’s where I think a lot of people make a huge mistake. I don’t think it is about showmanship and entertainment. Parents with grown children can tell you the amount of money and “flash” doesn’t necessarily make for the clearest memories. We recently asked our daughter about some early trips we had taken when she was very young. We knew at the time her memories would be sparse, but consoled ourselves with the knowledge it was “creating wrinkles in her brain” (code at the time for increasing a child’s ability to learn later by exposing them to enriching things at a young age).

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Fun Family Bible Study

Fun Family Bible Study - Parenting Like HannahWe have had a lot of fun with the kids at church this summer studying the Jewish holidays. It is a subject Christian children often never study, but those holidays tell us so much about the nature of God. As we studied them, we also realized they point to Jesus in really awesome ways.

Yesterday we learned about the Feast of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This is a great holiday to recreate with your children at home. Originally, the feast partially celebrated the late harvest. It lasted seven days (although a worship service/sacred assembly was also required on an eighth day). It was a feast of celebration – a thanksgiving for all of the blessings God had and would provide for them.

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A Fun Way to Remind Kids to Read the Bible

A Fun Way to Remind Kids to Read the Bible - Parenting Like HannahRemember the old string tied around the finger? Back when I was growing up, whenever we saw a string tied around a finger, we knew someone was supposed to remember something important every time they saw the string.

We want our children to read their Bibles regularly. We may not want to nag in an effort to avoid having the Bible seem like another chore for our kids instead of something they should treasure. So how about a fun memory jogger like the string?

Recently, we taught a group of children how God’s Words are sometimes referred to as honey (Psalm 119:103) or milk (I Peter 2:2) in the Bible. We explained honey meant God’s words are so special we should be as excited to read them as if someone gave us something sweet to eat like honey. The scripture in I Peter mentions how important milk is to a new little baby. God’s Words should be as important to us as milk is to a tiny baby.

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