Mom and Dad Dating (and Giveaway)

Mom and Dad Dating (and Giveaway) - Parenting Like HannahWhen you write a Christian parenting blog, you hear from a lot of people wanting to promote things in an effort to strengthen marriages. I try to use them whenever possible. I believe one of the most important gifts you can give your child is parents who love each other and are committed to having a Christian home and parenting their children towards God.

The craziness of parenting though can often push marriages to the back burner. We are often lucky if we can exchange a few important details with each other before collapsing in exhaustion. Date nights are a thing of the past even when the kids are old enough to no longer need baby sitters. Couples slowly begin to drift apart without realizing it has happened until it is too late.

From time to time a publisher will send me a date night book to review, and most of them are fine. A few have some great discussion questions. I really have never seen one though that was extremely creative in the suggestions of things to do together. That is until I read 52 Uncommon Dates: A Couple’s Adventure Guide for Praying, Playing, and Staying Together by Randy Southern.

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What If Christian Marriages Are Different?

What If Christian Marriage Are Different


Shaunti Feldhahn is one of my favorite authors dealing with men, women and marriage. What I appreciate about her books is that she doesn’t just give her opinion and back it up with an example from her life. Ms. Feldhahn apparently does a lot of research to make sure her assumptions are correct.

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her latest effort The Good News About Marriage. With her co-author Tally Whitehead, she went back and looked at the studies  and “facts”which are constantly cited in newspapers, magazines and even sermons. What she found was very exciting.

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Would You Want to Room With Your Child?

Would You Want to Room With Your Child- Parenting Like HannahWe are in the middle of roommate mania in our house. Our daughter is headed to college in August and is in the process of choosing a roommate. Evidently, a lot has changed in the roommate selection process since I was in college. Student housing is no longer randomly assigned (Although I am pretty sure “social experiment” was the process at my school.). Instead the students are put through a matchmaking process so they know if potential roommates are a 100% match or merely a 50% match. Supposedly, this results in very happy roommates, who become friends for life.

The whole process made me wonder. How many of us are raising kids we would’t want to room with, much less marry? Sounds a little crazy, but hang with me. The husband who drives his wife crazy and constantly fights with her about dirty clothes making it into the clothes hamper is probably the same child who had clothes all over his bedroom floor as a child. The wife demanding constant expensive presents from her husband is the same little girl who always had to have the latest doll and all of her accessories.

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Christian Moms and Romance Novels

Christian Moms and Romance Novels - Parenting Like Hannah
Pulling Back the Shades by Dannah Gresh and Dr. Juli Slattery

Normally, these blog entries flow easily. Honestly, I hesitated before even agreeing to do this one. The idea of talking to Christian moms about romance novels and erotica seemed questionable at best. Then I remembered my teen years. A friend at school introduced me to romance novels. Pretty innocent seeming ones, especially compared to 50 Shades of Gray (which I haven’t read).

Over time though, I realized they were creating an image of the perfect man, one which didn’t exist. I was subconsciously comparing the men portrayed in these books to the actual men I encountered. Not surprisingly, the real men weren’t nearly as intuitive and romantic as these fictional men.

Eventually, I stopped reading romance novels and met and married my husband. I thought it was interesting that after I met my husband, I wasn’t even tempted to read a romance novel. I always thought it was strange until I read the book Pulling Back the Shades by Dannah Gresh and Dr. Juli Slattery.

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Quick and Easy Marriage Boosters

Quick and Easy Marriage Boosters - Parenting Like Hannah
The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages by Shaunti Feldman

If you knew your marriage would improve by thanking your husband for unloading the dishwasher or going to work each day, would you do it? If your husband knew you would be happier if he just put his arm around you in Church or held your hand, what would he do? What if you knew your marriage would be happier if you and your husband just spent more time doing things together?

I was absolutely fascinated by Shaunti Feldman‘s new book, The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages. Ms Feldman did some intensive research on what behaviors created marriages where both partners were highly happy. I am not an expert in research, but she goes into great detail on her methodology.

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