Spiritual Health Habits for Christian Kids

Spiritual Health Habits for Christian Kids - Parenting Like HannahHow old are your kids? No matter how young they are, I would imagine you can already see signs of their growing independence. In what will seem like a manner of minutes, your children will probably move out of your home to begin their adult lives. You won’t have the ability to point them towards God throughout the day in your home. Your kids will need to know how to keep themselves healthy spiritually. If not, their faith will quickly wither and die.

Many of the things that help us grow and mature spiritually are things your kids can make habits in their lives. Just like eating healthy foods and exercising can keep their bodies as healthy as they can be, there are habits that will help your children stay strong spiritually. Doing these things regularly will give God opportunities to work on their hearts, while also letting them know what God wants from them and for them in life. They will help strengthen your children’s faith, so they will be prepared when the inevitable storms of life arise.

So what habits can you help your child establish so they can continue growing and maturing spiritually throughout their lives? There are probably quite a few, but here are four I believe are essential for spiritual health and growth:

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Christian Families and the Kindness Challenge

Christian Families and the Kindness Challenge - Parenting Like HannahUnless you have been living on another planet for the last few years, you may have noticed there is an increasing lack of kindness in our world. It seems everyone has lost the filter that keeps them from saying and doing every hurtful, hateful thing that enters their minds. Sadly, even Christians have not seemed to be totally immune to this virus of unkindness.

When anyone teaches on the Fruit of the Spirit, they seem to fly right over kindness. It’s definitely on the list though, right after love, joy, peace and patience. Yet, I have never heard sermons or read articles and books on the idea that God expects his people to be kind. Period.

I was interested naturally, when a book on kindness was finally offered to me to review. It was by one of my favorite Christian authors, Shaunti Feldhahn. Her books on marriage are great, because they combine God’s commands and principles with hard, cold facts, leaving no wiggle room for avoiding what you must do.

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Children, Consequences, Fear and God

Children, Consequences, Fear and God - Parenting Like HannahI’m not sure when it happened, but over the last several decades parenting has changed drastically. Not all of these changes are bad. Unfortunately though, some parenting “experts” are ignoring basic truths that also undermine Christian parenting. The church has changed too. Sin is rarely mentioned. Consequences are almost never discussed. The focus is only on celebrating God’s love for us.

Whether you consider yourself a “progressive” or a “conservative” Christian, one thing cannot be denied. If you read just about any part of the Bible, you will find numerous commands to obey God and read examples of people who suffered not so great earthly consequences for their disobedience. To some, this portrait of God as someone who demands obedience and delivers consequences – earthly and eternal – for disobedience horrifies them.

Satan wants us to believe the lie that we and our children need only to “love” and can do whatever else we please, with no consequences. He wants you as a Christian parent to believe that firm boundaries and consistent consequences create fear, shame and guilt in your children. These horrible, crippling emotions caused by your restraining parenting will keep your children from reaching their God-given potential. The world and a great portion of the church have bought this lie as an important truth.

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Must Read For Christian Tweens and Teens

Must Read for Christian Tweens and Teens - Parenting Like HannahOur family was introduced to the Harris brothers about the time the first edition of this book came out several years ago. Our then young teen daughter loved reading the book and realizing she wasn’t the only kid on the planet who made God, serving others and sharing their faith priorities in their lives.

Do Hard Things (New 5th Anniversary Edition) by Alex and Brett Harris is a must read for all tweens and teens. It does a great job at banishing the myth that the teen years should only be about playing and avoiding responsibility as the way to have fun and enjoy life. Instead, they make a strong case that actually living a life doing the hard things is where real joy and fulfillment are to be found for young people.

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The Sluggard Christian Parent

The Sluggard Christian Parent - Parenting Like HannahSluggard is one of those great Bible words we don’t use in regular conversation very often. Yet, the Bible actually has quite a bit to say about sluggards. As someone who considers myself a person who accomplishes more than most in the course of an average day, I never thought much about sluggards.

That is until I read a quote by author Leighton McCoy. “I chose to believe that whatever I didn’t do as a parent would be covered by what God would do as the perfect parent and therefore I didn’t really have to worry too terribly much when my children veered off course. I was wrong. I thought this was childlike faith, but now I know it was spiritual laziness.” Ouch!

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