Top Tips for Choosing Entertainment for Your Kids (Part 2)

Top Tips for Choosing Entertainment for Your Kids (Part 2) - Parenting Like HannahIf you aren’t actively overseeing which movies, shows, books and games your kids use for entertainment, you are possibly allowing them to be swayed by those who want them to believe ideas that run contrary to God’s commands and principles.

Satan wants parents to believe monitoring our kids’ entertainment is excessive and unnecessary. Yet, even the Bible points out the influence the things we expose ourselves to can have on our thoughts and our faith. If you are a Christian parent, you absolutely must take the time to find a way to keep your kids from consuming mass amounts of entertainment that will change their thinking and in some cases even the hard wiring of their brains.

Ratings are virtually useless for Christians. What is now considered acceptable for children and teens to watch would have been rated “R” or “X” even a few decades ago. So what do you need to consider before allowing your kids to consume a particular entertainment item?

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Top Tips for Choosing Entertainment for Your Kids

Top Tips for Choosing Entertainment for Your Kids - Parenting Like HannahWhat’s the last movie you took your children to see? What are your kids’ favorite shows or games? What books do your kids read for pleasure? It would seem like entertainment marketed to their age group would be appropriate for your kids. Or if it is a “hit” all of your kids friends have seen, then surely it must be fine. Right? Not so much.

Whether we are aware of it or not, what our kids watch can influence their thinking over time. It can literally change the way their brains are hard wired in some cases – making it much more difficult to think, speak and behave in the ways God would want them to do.

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Fun Ways for Kids to Practice Separating Fact From Fiction

Fun Ways for Kids to Practice Separating Fact From Fiction - Parenting Like HannahYour kids are going to be exposed to millions of bits of information in their lifetime. Some will be true, some will be false, some will contain partial truth. If you are Christian, you realize the consequences of confusing God’s truth for the world’s lies can be eternal. So it’s critical you teach your kids how to discern between truth and fiction.

In the last post, we gave you some tools to teach them for the process of trying to separate fact from fiction. To do it well and quickly though, your kids will need a lot of practice with you guiding them as they go. There are actually quite a few activities that can be fun, while also teaching them the important Christian Life Skill of discernment.

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Teaching Kids How to Separate Fact From Fiction

Teaching Kids How to Separate Fact From Fiction - Parenting Like HannahOpen any social media platform and you are immediately inundated with conflicting views on any number of subjects. Watch the news and it seems more “sources” are lying than telling the truth – or at the very least shading the facts in their favor (which is still lying). Of course, Christians often make things more confusing by insisting their opinions (like which political party is more godly) are actually scriptural and take verses out of context to “prove” their point.

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How Defensive Parenting Changes Kids

How Defensive Parenting Changes Kids - Parenting Like HannahDid you take our quiz, Are You a Defensive Parent? How do you think you did? How many “Yes” answers did you have? Unfortunately, the number of “Yes” answers isn’t as important as to which questions you answered “Yes”.

Defensive parenting really has two parts to it. Both are equally critical to the ultimate results you may have in attempting to dedicate your kids to God. Your ultimate goal of course is for your kids to end up in Heaven. A more immediate goal is to have them become active, productive, faithful Christians. To accomplish both goals, you need to help your kids build strong faith foundations and reach their godly potential.

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