Comparative Motherhood

Comparative Motherhood - Parenting Like HannahNormally, I am a pretty secure person. Then I attended a homeschool convention. One of the booths had grain mills you could purchase. Curious, I stopped and chatted. Turns out there are moms homeschooling multiple children of varying ages, helping run a farm, sewing their kids clothes AND grinding grain into flour to make homemade bread! Did I mention their kids are multi-talented and hold college degrees by age fifteen? Talk about humbling.

Motherhood can magnify any insecurities you had before becoming a mother and/or add a whole new list for you to ponder. The problem is if we become too consumed with our insecurities, we can lose focus and miss some of the best and most crucial parts of parenting.

Realizing we can all struggle with the comparative motherhood disease, I was interested when offered a chance to review the new book Untangled: Let God Loosen the Knots of Insecurity in Your Life, by Carey Scott.

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Fun Summer Family Devotionals

Fun Summer Family Devotionals - Parenting Like HannahSummer mornings in many households are much more relaxed than during the school year. Kids (and even parents on occasion!) may get to sleep a little later. Breakfast may be out on a deck or patio and eaten slowly while enjoying the beautiful weather. Many days may have no schedule at all, with family members playing outside, enjoying hobbies or reading fun books.

I want to encourage you this summer to take advantage of those relaxed mornings. Make a family devotional part of your new morning routine. Have breakfast outside or as an indoor picnic on a rainy day. Make it more than only reading some scriptures. Turn it into a godly adventure. Your adventure may last a few minutes or an entire day, but help your children understand the verses you read by helping them live it.

There are so many things you can do, but here are some ideas to get you started:

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Summer Reading for Christian Girls (Pre-teen and Teen)

Summer Reading for Christian Girls- Parenting Like HannahSummer is the best! I was always one of those moms who loved having her child around during the summer months. The slower pace meant there were days when we could curl up with a good book and just chill. Unfortunately, so many of the books written for pre-teens and teens (and even some for younger girls) are dark. Even if the written and unwritten moral lessons are acceptable, the books leave your daughter feeling like she has just spent hours in a horribly gloomy place. Not exactly, the “think on things that are pure and lovely” type of reading our girls really need.

Our daughter was one of those kids who read everything she could. There was no way I could read everything she did, especially before she read it. When she was younger, I would catch summaries or reviews, talk to others who might have read the book and actually did read a few myself (okay the reading addiction comes honestly!). Our search for good books, eventually led us to the Christian bookstore.

Over the years, our daughter found quite a few books she enjoyed that were written from a Christian perspective. Be aware though, a few books may contain a theology that disagrees with your understanding of the Bible and are probably best avoided. I am not going to suggest an age for reading these books – so much depends upon the reading ability, maturity, life experiences and spiritual maturity of your child.

Here were some books (thankfully some were series!) our daughter enjoyed at one point or another:

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When Mothering Gets Beyond Tough

When Mothering Gets Beyond Tough - Parenting Like HannahEvery mother has tough days. Some mothers though are walking a mothering journey I can’t begin to understand. Perhaps the father of their children is violent and abusive. Maybe the child they have waited for is born with disabilities so severe, even their life span is shortened. Or their perfectly healthy child is suddenly diagnosed with a life threatening illness.

I can’t even imagine what that is like. Even having watched people walk that road, I can only begin to imagine the pain of those experiences. Although every experience is different, sometimes hearing from someone who has been through traumatic times and come out on the other side, can give you the energy or hope it takes to get out of bed and face what today holds for you. When the person sharing their story understands the support God can provide, I think the sharing could be the most impactful.

I was intrigued when offered the chance to review the book Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin and Jill Kelly. It may seem strange to suggest a mom going through a tough time read a book written by the daughter and wife of football great Jim Kelly. Even stranger, once you realize this book is written primarily by the college-aged, single daughter. Yet, that is exactly what I am suggesting.

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Principles to Teach Kids About the “I” in Faith

Principles to Teach Kids About the "I" in Faith - Parenting Like HannahIn Teaching Kids About the “I” in Faith, I shared my concern that perhaps the real reason we are “losing” so many young people in Christianity is that we have allowed them to believe some inaccurate messages about that “I” in the word faith. It doesn’t mean your children get to always have their way in church, that they can do whatever they want without regard to God’s commands, or that entire groups of people must twist themselves into pretzels to make sure your kids are happy and entertained every time they walk into a service.

That “I” though, does have a lot of important promises and responsibilities for our kids.

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