Crossing the Parenting Finish Line

Crossing the Parenting Finish Line - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Maggieness

From what my friends with adult children tell me, you never finish parenting. Evidently, we will always worry about and be involved in the lives of our children. That’s probably a good thing. For Christian parents, our finish line is getting to Heaven and having our children there with us. The longer we are involved in the lives of our children, the more opportunities we have of pointing them towards God.

If you have been working with your children this year on our plan to live more like Jesus, you may feel as if you are running a marathon. Like most of us, you have had good days and bad days. Weeks when you felt like you really were actively parenting your children towards God. And weeks where if everyone was still breathing by the end of the day, you considered it a major victory.

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Are You Raising Kids Who Are Easily Swayed?

Are You Raising Kids Who Are Easily Swayed? - Parenting Like HannahWant to hear something really scary? Observers have noticed something about most public justice systems around the world. The average police force operates on a 15-70-15 rule. Fifteen percent of the force is considered incorruptible. They have high moral standards. It doesn’t matter what bribes or threats others may make, these people in the moral fifteen percent will stay true to their moral standards.

The other fifteen percent is equally true to their standards. Unfortunately, their standards are the lowest – they are actively seeking bribes and other dishonest ways to increase their power and income. It doesn’t matter what rules or punishments the force has in place, this fifteen percent will remain corrupt.

And what about the remaining seventy percent? This is what I find the most upsetting. The other seventy percent is easily swayed. If they are placed with the ethical fifteen percent, they will generally react in ethical ways. If they are placed with the unethical fifteen percent, they too will begin looking for bribes and acting in unethical ways.

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Christian Moms and Dust Bunnies

Christian Moms and Dust Bunnies - Parenting Like Hannah
Some “pre-mission trip” clutter on our living room floor

One of the happiest days in my life was when I learned “cleanliness is next to godliness” is not in the Bible! Now, you will never see my house on an episode of hoarders (although right before a huge project, more than one room might qualify) and I don’t think the health department will shut down my heavily Clorox wiped kitchen any time soon. I will readily admit to the fact that my house will never pass a white glove inspection or be featured in a magazine with minimalist decor standards.

I used to feel really guilty about it. Finally, one of my best friends told me to “get over it”. I looked at her with shock. I had been raised in a household where our drawers and bedrooms had to be kept perfectly neat at all times. Saturday mornings, we all cleaned the house together for most of the morning. My housekeeping wouldn’t meet the standards of any of the women I had known growing up in the era of homemakers.

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Coincidences and God

Coincidences and God - Parenting Like HannahMost Christians are pretty diligent about teaching their children to thank God for His blessings. We train them from a very young age to pray and thank God for food, family, clothing and shelter. Have we trained them though to see God’s spectacular, overflowing blessings? I think many of us are missing a prime opportunity to teach our children the amazing ways God works.

You are probably thinking “She’s crazy. Of course, we teach our children about the amazing ways God works in our lives!” Bear with me, as I share a recent story from our life and the responses we hear from even extremely faithful Christians when we share it.

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Power and Christian Parenting

Power and Christian Parenting - Parenting Like Hannah
Our daughter’s wonderful power-sharing kindergarten teacher!

Rock stars tickle me. They can be the ugliest, mangiest looking guys on earth, but it is obvious they are absolutely convinced they are the best looking guys around! The constant adulation places them in a godlike place in the eyes of themselves and others.

Other than a rock star, movie idol or politician, the headiest job on earth is being the parent of a pre-schooler. Let’s face it, when our kids are that age – we are perfect. Granted, they don’t have a lot to compare us to, but being perfect in someone’s eyes still feels pretty cool.

The main reason our very small children adore us is because we have all of the power and they have none. In their world, we are rock stars because we have the food, clean diapers and warm, loving arms they need and want. Your average, good parents would have no reason or desire to abuse that power by withholding food or clean diapers from their children.

Yet, for many parents, what starts out as a benevolent use of power becomes a power struggle between those same children (now a little older and wiser) and the parents who once nurtured them without question. So what changes?

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