Everything You Need to Know About Chores for Toddlers and Preschoolers

One of the biggest complaints I hear from employers is that many of their employees lack a healthy work ethic. While we tend to associate the problem with Gen Z, it’s actually pervasive in every age group. The Bible tells us that God expects Christians to work “with all your heart, as (if) working for the Lord, not for human masters”(Colossians 3:23 ESV) – one of several passages in scripture about God’s expectations of His people regarding work.

No matter what careers or jobs your children may have, their bosses and managers will expect them to work hard – especially if they want to get raises and promotions. Even if they don’t hold a job that pays, your kids will need to work hard at school, in their extra curricular activities and even when serving others and sharing their faith. Idleness and laziness aren’t good for your children spiritually, emotionally or even physically.

Establishing a strong work ethic in your children – like many things in parenting – is easiest if you start them as early as possible. Think of it as early intervention for laziness! One of the easiest ways to work with toddlers and preschoolers on a good work ethic is by giving them chores to do around the house. Not only will chores give you an opportunity to correct a poor work ethic, but they will also provide opportunities for teaching responsibility and numerous life skills.

Historically, specific chores were given to specific children for a period of time. This made it easier for parents to track – especially if they had several children. One of the reasons I believe chores have become unpopular is that our children’s schedules are not as predictable as they may have been years ago when children had few activities outside of their home. If something throws off your child’s schedule, assigned chores may not be completed in a timely fashion – if at all.

One solution is to give your children chores on an as assigned basis. If you see something that needs to be done and your child is capable of doing it, then ask them to do it within a certain specific time frame. It gives you more flexibility and extra help when it is needed. The downside is that you have to be intentional about giving each child little jobs to do each day. If you have trouble tracking that, then the older way of giving out chores will probably work best in your family.

When does all of this start? As soon as your children have a few gross motor skills – like the ability to pick up and hand you items – they are ready for a few simple chores. For most children this is about the same time they are learning to walk, often known as the toddler years.

So what are some great chores for toddlers and preschoolers? Here are some ideas to get you started.

  1. Handing you grocery items to put in cabinets. Set the grocery bags on the floor and let them hand you one item at a time. If you use low cabinets for storing food, some preschoolers may have the skills to put grocery items on your pantry shelf without much assistance from you. (Don’t let little ones handle raw meat packages and wash their hands after they are finished helping just in case.)
  2. Laundry chores. Teaching colors? Let them help you sort the laundry, naming the colors as they go. Depending on the type of washer and dryer you own, many toddlers can take clothing and help move it from the washer to the dryer.
  3. Dusting, sweeping and mopping. Toy brooms and mops for children sweep and mop almost as well as adult sized brooms and mops. Make sure you clear the surfaces you want your children to dust to avoid breakage. These chores require a few more motor skills, so your children may be in preschool before they can do them.
  4. Help make their bed. Depending upon the age, size and skills of the child this may vary in meaning. Using a comforter makes it easier for younger children because there isn’t any tucking involved. Older children can help you make a fresh bed by perhaps putting a pillow in a new pillowcase or helping you smooth the sheets.
  5. Put away their toys. Your house and their room will seem less messy and chaotic if you get them in the habit of putting away one toy before they take out a new one. (Note: Toy chests can be problematic because of their lids. Consider using open baskets or a closet or cabinet for toy storage.)
  6. Dust baseboards. If your house is like mine, this chore goes to the bottom of the to-do list. Put socks on your children’s hands and let them have fun dusting baseboards.
  7. Put dirty clothes, towels and linens in the hamper.
  8. Wipe up spills. Their ability to do this independently will vary from child to child and with what has been spilled. They should never be asked to clean up hot spills or any kind of spill involving harsh chemicals like cleaning fluids.

Don’t forget that your children were not born automatically knowing how to do any of these chores. Teach them how you want the chores done. Always supervise young children doing chores – even if they are doing them well. Periodically talk about how important it is to always work hard and do our best at any “job” they are given. If you work with your children consistently, you are well on your way to giving them a great work ethic!

Please note that children should never be left unsupervised near any type of cleaning fluid and should not handle them – even if the tops are tightly fastened. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Call poison control if you even suspect your child may have come in contact with a cleaning fluid or ingested one.

Fun Family Devotional on Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain

You are probably familiar with the third of the Ten Commandments, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain…” (Exodus 20:7). You were probably taught and have taught your children that it means not to use the word “God” or “Jesus” as idle or curse words. We had a great sermon at our church yesterday, that explained these verses mean so much more than that. This deeper, fuller, richer understanding of this passage can help your children make better choices when they become Christians.

For a fun family devotional on the topic, pull out your wedding photos or those of other friends and relatives. Have some fun looking at the photos. After a few minutes, explain that historically and often even today, women “take the name” of the man they marry. While they don’t abandon the family in which they were raised, they are now associated with the family of their new last name. For example, anyone who meets me now associates the things I say and do with my current last name – that of my husband’s family and not my maiden name and family of birth.

This is the deeper meaning of the commandment. I won’t go into the original Hebrew word used and its meaning, but basically this passage goes beyond just using the Lord’s name as an expletive. It means don’t dishonor the name you have taken on in baptism – Christian (or in their case as God’s Chosen People). You can dishonor it by using the actual names God and Jesus in a disrespectful fashion, but you can also dishonor the name Christian, by acting in ungodly and sinful ways.

Ask your children to name some ways they might “take the Lord’s name in vain” in their lives. What are some things they might say or do that would cause others to think badly of Christians, God or Jesus and bring dishonor to God in the process? Point out that the commandment is not merely about not using the words as expletives- which is fairly easy – but honoring or glorifying God in all of their choices – speech, actions and attitude.

Your children may point out that this command is in the Old Testament and not the New Testament. Read Matthew 12:36-37, 1Corinthians 10:31, 1Peter 2:12 and Colossians 3:17. Ask them how these New Testament verses (there are others) reinforce the commandment in Exodus by restating the intent of the third commandment in various ways.

Family devotionals should end with a commitment from each participant about something he or she will do to be more like God would want them to be. For this devotional, some members of your family may need to be more careful of their speech – even eliminating OMG from their vocabulary. Other family members may choose another habit they have that reflects badly on God and work to get rid of it. Still others may choose to add something positive to their lives that will reflect God to those around them, like being friendly to everyone they see during the day. Remember to check back periodically to see how everyone is doing with their commitments and offering help to family members who are struggling to “not take the Lord’s name in vain”.

Raising Teachable (Christian) Kids

Ask any educator what makes a successful student and the answer could be summed up in one word – teachable. Have you ever tried to teach something to someone who had no intention of learning from you? It is one of the most frustrating experiences you will ever have. You can be the best, most successful educator that has ever lived, but you cannot force someone to learn what you are trying to teach them.

There are natural consequences built in when a student in school refuses to learn. If bad grades aren’t motivation enough, there may also be disciplinary consequences imposed by school leaders to emphasize the importance of being teachable. For children and teens who are being taught about God and the Bible in church classes, however, there don’t appear to be any immediate consequences. Grades aren’t given. Parents don’t seem to care enough to even do much when their children aren’t being taught anything of value, much less examine whether or not they are learning what is being taught.

Or you and your spouse may have found yourself frustrated when trying to teach your children about God at home. They may seem uninterested in learning what you are trying to teach them or are perhaps openly antagonistic about your attempts to teach. It may feel like a hopeless situation. Your kids can’t become faithful, productive Christians if they don’t know who God is and what He expects from them.

Whether or not your children are teachable has more to do with their character than what is being taught. Focusing on this list of character traits and behaviors will make it easier for you and others to teach your children about God (or about math for that matter.) Teachable children and teens are….

  1. Good listeners. If your children don’t listen carefully when they are being instructed, much of the information will be missed. There are lots of fun activities you can do to help improve your children’s listening skills.
  2. Humble. If your children think they are smarter than the person teaching them, they will rarely learn anything. Regularly reinforce that everyone has something to teach us – even if it is an example of how not to live our lives. They can only learn these sometimes critical lessons if they are humble.
  3. Curious. Learning is fueled by curiosity and master teachers know how to get students curious about a topic. If your kids are encouraged to be naturally curious, however, it won’t matter if their teacher knows how to spark their curiosity. They will already be curious.
  4. Tenderhearted. A tenderhearted child wants to please God. They want to learn how to please God. A child whose heart is hardening doesn’t care how God feels or about learning what He might want from them.
  5. Independent learners. Studies have shown young people need to be engaged spiritually an average of 14 hours a week in order to grow to be faithful, productive Christians as adults. They can’t possibly get it all from Bible classes or even you. They need to be independently engaged in spiritual disciplines like reading scripture, prayer, meditating on scripture, etc.
  6. ”Growth mindset.” For our purposes, this means that they are aware God wants them to continue to grow spiritually. They will never reach perfection, but they should always remain focused on growing as Christians.
  7. Life long learners. Connected to having a growth mindset, a life long learner realizes there is always something new to learn, understand or practice in the Bible – even if they have read it many times.
  8. Motivated to please God. The motivation to learn scripture like one would a subject in school will only help to a point. To really learn and use what God wants them to requires a strong motivation to please God – even when it is counter cultural, causes problems in their lives or goes against what they selfishly desire.

Are you raising teachable children? Working on this list of attributes can make it much more likely your children will learn and use what God wants them to know and live.

Top FAQ’s Parents Have About Their Child’s Baptism

Read through the book of Acts and it becomes clear that baptism was meant to be an informed choice a person made. It was among other things an acknowledgement of personal sin, repentance, a declaration of Jesus as Lord and a commitment to follow Jesus for the rest of one’s life. Early church history confirms that baptism was for many years only available to those old enough to make an informed decision. Infant baptism was the byproduct of high infant mortality and not part of God’s original plan. (The first infant baptism was in the year 160 – long after the Apostles had died.) The idea of baptism as merely a membership rite occurred even later.

If you want biblical baptism for your children, it means it has to be their decision. They have to be old enough to understand what they are doing as well as any adult might and be capable of making the same declarations and commitments. This is sometimes referred to as the age of accountability. With the extension of childhood and adolescence well into adulthood, the idea of an age of accountability creates a lot of questions. While I would never claim to speak for God, here are my best informed answers to questions you may have about your child’s baptism. They are based on scriptures where I can find them, but also decades of experience in working with parents and their children as well as official research on the topic.

  1. What is the age of accountability? This term is not found in the Bible. It is based on the Jewish tradition that we see displayed in the story of Jesus at the Temple as a 12 year old. Historically 12 (now 13 for boys and 12 for girls) years old was the age at which Jewish boys (now boys and girls) were to take responsibility for their own spiritual life. While there is no hard and fast age for the age of accountability, most believe it to be about that same age for the average child.
  2. Does the current immaturity of young people mean the age of accountability is older? This is totally my personal opinion, but I believe Christians should be counter-cultural and raise mature children. Nothing good comes from a young adult delaying adult behaviors and living a life filled with primarily leisure and self indulgence. God calls us to be our best selves – to mirror His image and that is not an image of delayed maturity. In fact, Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 reprimands Christians who are doing things that delay their spiritual maturing. That being said, an immature child or teen will be more likely to delay a decision on baptism. It does not mean that God’s definition of the age when a particular individual is ready to make that choice has changed based on his or her intentional delayed maturity.
  3. How young is too young to be baptized? Once again, this varies from child to child. It is the rare child who has enough knowledge, understanding and maturity to make the decision at age eight or nine, but there are children who have made the commitment at that age and honored it throughout their lifetime. The key is not the chronological age, but understanding the motivation behind wanting to be baptized. Often young children are taken with the idea of the extra attention or the baptism act itself rather than feeling a spiritual desire and need to be baptized.
  4. My child is in his or her late teens and hasn’t been baptized. Should I be concerned? Unfortunately, even with the delayed maturity that is so common today, a child in his or her late teens who has not decided to become a Christian is a major concern. Less than 20% of Christians were baptized after the age of 18 (in the U.S.). While this is also a critique of our poor evangelism, it provides an indication of the importance of making the decision before adulthood. Assuming your child has been raised in a faithful Christian home with regular exposure to the Bible, delaying baptism can be a sign of rebellion against God in either its beginning or sadly, entrenched stages.
  5. Should I pressure my child into being baptized? “Pressure” is a word with many possible interpretations. I have found it to be helpful to ask older children and teens what their thoughts are regarding baptism and what they think they will need to make an informed decision about it. Scaring or forcing a child into baptism is ultimately useless, because it is not about just being immersed in water, but your child having a repentant heart and wanting to obey and follow God. If the heart is not involved, the baptism probably does your child as much good as jumping into a swimming pool might.
  6. How can I delay my child when I’ve decided he or she is too young, without causing my child to lose all interest? I have seen this happen too many times. Often the parent has decided the child is too young based on some random age rather than actually discussing baptism and studying with the child. When this happens, the child becomes frustrated and many will give up rather than wait and meet some imaginary standard they may or may not ever achieve. Our baptism study is designed to allow you to continue to study with the children who are truly too young and do fun activities with them to explore the topic to delay them a bit without actually denying them and frustrating their interest in becoming a Christian.
  7. Am I qualified to study baptism with my children? The Bible gives lots of examples of all sorts of people teaching others how to become a Christian. Any Christian is allowed and encouraged to share their faith with anyone – including their own children. Some parents still have concerns that they are teaching everything they should. We have created a free baptism study with leader’s guide that many parents have used in order to study baptism with their children more confidently.
  8. Should I ask another Christian to study baptism with my child? While you can study with your child, in some cases, it may not be the best option. If you and your child have a difficult relationship in general, if your child’s life has circumstances that may have made baptism a more difficult decision (traumatic experiences, etc.) or if your child has questions that are too difficult for you to feel confident answering, you may want your child to study with another strong Christian. Some parents will also choose to do this because they want a “second opinion” of sorts that their child is indeed ready for baptism.
  9. My child is definitely ready to become a Christian, but I want to delay the baptism for a few weeks/months so someone special can be present or so my child can be baptized on a particular day like a birthday. Is this okay? The examples in Acts clearly show that there was not much of a delay between the decision to follow Christ and the actual baptism by immersion. We have to assume there is an important reason for that. While it’s probably okay to wait a day or two for a service (most churches will gladly provide access to their baptistery any time day or night that it is needed) if you and your child would prefer to do it then, waiting weeks or months can be problematic. We don’t know for sure how God would handle it if something catastrophic happened in between the decision and the baptism, but to your child, delaying baptism can make it seem less important and more like an initiation rite than the serious, life changing repentance and commitment that it was meant to be.
  10. My child with special needs wants to be baptized and become a Christian. Is he or she capable of making that decision? Children and teens with special needs should be given the same opportunities to learn about and participate in baptism as any other older child or teen. One researcher estimated that about 80% of people with special needs will be able to make an informed decision about baptism at some point in their lives. His research was based on an educational formula of being able to understand the necessary information and make a rational informed decision. Using this formula means that children with below average IQs will most likely reach the age of accountability several years later than their peers, but unless their IQ is incredibly low (below 50), it should not be assumed they are incapable of becoming a Christian. (It is important to note that non-verbal children often have IQ estimates that are incorrectly low. I have known of non-verbal young people who were more than capable of making an informed decision on baptism. Often they are frustrated they cannot communicate their intentions in a way so that others understand and will allow them to be baptized.) Many do not become Christians because they are not given the information and accessibility needed to become a Christian.

Have more questions or need a resource to help you study baptism with your child? Our free baptism study with leader guide has everything most parents need to study baptism with their children. May God bless you and your child as you discuss and study baptism together. It is the most important decision your child will ever make.

Involving Your Children In Adult Ministry Projects

Talk to any Christian parent of adult children actively engaged in serving and ministering to others and they will tell you they involved their children in their ministry projects from almost infancy. Their children grew up serving and sharing their faith with others as much of their identity as other family priorities. Why? Because not only did their parents live their faith on a daily basis, they included them in their personal ministry in age appropriate ways as early as the toddler years.

Now if you weren’t raised in a home like that, you may wonder how it is even possible. How can parents include an eighteen month old in a project serving an inner city ministry or engage a three or four year old on a mission trip? It’s not only possible, but you may already know families doing that very thing who can help you do what they did. Until you identify them, here are some tips to get you started.

  1. What things are your children capable of doing? Can they hand you items? Move things from one place to another? Clean? Paint? Code a computer program or app? Knowing your children’s capabilities can make it easier to involve them in ways that benefit both them and the ministry project.
  2. What tasks are required to complete the ministry project? Older children and teens may be capable of completing tasks independently, while toddlers may only be able to assist you with one part of a task. When our daughter was barely over a year old, she would put cans from our church pantry shelves into a box to transport them to the urban ministry. Yes, I still needed to neaten them a bit, but she took an active role.
  3. Teach them skills they can use to help. Relatively young children can help with tasks that are more advanced if they are taught how to do them and given practice. For things like sewing or computer coding, you can even pay someone to teach them skills that interest them, but you yourself don’t have.
  4. Allow extra time and build in time for regular meals and rest times. The biggest mistake groups make when involving children or teens in service and mission work is that they push them too hard. When young people are hungry or tired, the behavior problems begin to surface and the entire project can become a nightmare. It’s better to take an extra few hours or days to complete a project with everyone well fed on healthy food and well rested. The results will be much better – both on the project and in making an impact on your children.
  5. Let them help in the planning process. Families with young adult children actively engaged in ministry from childhood often report that their children can plan and execute sophisticated ministry projects as teens and young adults. Why? Because their parents involved them in the planning process as children. Start out by giving them two acceptable options between which they can decide and that are part of the plan for the project. As they grow older, give them more ownership of the planning process. By their teen years, most will be capable of planning and executing at least a simple service project if they have been involved in planning with you since childhood.
  6. Let them meet and get to know the people they are serving as much as possible. Relationships make serving others more meaningful. Meeting and growing to love the people your family serves can lead to your children developing a passion for ministry that children who only do service projects where they never meet the people they served never develop.
  7. Spend time in reflection with them after a ministry project. What went well? What would you do differently next time? Did you have the outcome you expected? Why or why not? How did you see God working within the project to change or modify it as you went? What additional opportunities did God give you? What roadblocks did you encounter? Were they from God or Satan? How do you know? What do you do in each situation? Reflection helps them understand the thought processes needed in enhancing ministry projects and accomplishing the goals God has for them.

Involving your children in your ministry projects takes extra time and effort, but it is worth it to raise children who are actively involved in serving others and sharing their faith as adults.