Teaching Your Kids About God’s Timing

Teaching Your Kids About God's Timing - Parenting Like HannahThe other day I noticed the leaves were beginning to change. It seemed rather strange since we have barely had a day with temperatures below ninety degrees in months. Even though cooler weather seems to speed up the change a bit, God must have placed the trees on some sort of timer…when it’s time, those leaves are going to change. It’s God’s timing for this part of His creation.

One of the most difficult concepts for your children to understand and accept is the idea of God’s timing. None of us like to wait for something we want or think we need. Children and teens may have a particularly difficult time waiting for the things they have asked God to provide.

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Reading To Kids From the Bible

Reading the Bible to Kids - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever read your kids a picture book or a beginning chapter book? You probably naturally did some things to make it more interesting for your child. Yet when most adults read portions of the Bible to kids, they often begin to sound like they were raised in Shakespearean England. The reading is serious and somber and not very interesting to a young child (or understandable).

I’m not going to suggest you make reading your child the Bible into some sort of comedy routine. I do think we need to remember the stories in the Bible you read to your kids are probably either true historical accounts or one of the parables Jesus told. They are well written and true. They have godly lessons to be learned. They can also hold a child spellbound and make him or her eager to read the Bible for himself (or herself).

The next time you read a Bible story to your child consider adding the following elements:

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Kids, Noah and a Service Project Helping Flood Victims

Helping Teens Recover From Sinning - Parenting Like HannahLooking for a family service project that will also teach your kids about God? The next time you hear about a flood consider a family service project helping people recover from the devastation left by flood waters.

Review the story of Noah, focusing especially on what happened when Noah and his family left the Ark. Ask your kids what Noah and his family needed to do to start their lives over again. Remind them that although God promised He would never flood the entire earth again, He did not promise there would be no local flooding.

Explain what happens in an area after flood waters recede (houses full of mud, water, and debris, etc.) Work as a family to prepare a campaign to collect supplies to help flood victims. Make sure you have contacted an organization who is willing to distribute the flood recovery kits for you if you are unable to do it (Often your local Church of Christ can provide those connections for you or may be delivering items and love to add yours to what they are taking.).

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Top Tips for Teaching Your Kids the Bible

Top Tips for Teaching Kids the Bible - Parenting Like HannahIf you are trying to dedicate your children to God, they need to read the Bible. If you want your children to become mighty men and women of God, they need to have the scriptures imprinted on their hearts. If you want your children to make wise choices, they need to learn from God’s Word what those wise choices are. In short, if you are Christian parenting, you must find ways to teach your children the Bible and get them to love and value it in the process.

Many parents view the idea of teaching their children the Bible at home with the same fear and uncertainty many parents would have at the idea of homeschooling their kids through high school. Parents often don’t feel they understand the Bible themselves well enough to teach it to someone else. They believe they wouldn’t know where to start. There are a host of excuses parents may use, but they ignore the very real commands from God demanding that they teach their kids the scriptures – constantly.

It really isn’t as difficult as you think. If you put the following tips into use, you may find you and your children actually enjoy learning what’s in the Bible together.

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Your Child and Bible Stories

Christian Kids and Jewish Holidays - Parenting Like HannahHow many Bible stories have your children heard? If they are like most regular church attendees, they probably hear between 20 and 30 Bible stories during their childhood. If you don’t have regular family devotionals, they may never hear many more than that. When we started Teach One Reach One (our parent ministry), we counted the Bible stories we thought were appropriate for children (we skipped a couple involving rapes) and came up with 207. Now one could probably group them differently and come up with a slightly changed number, but you see the gap.

We don’t talk about it much as Christians, but God gave us all of those stories for a reason. A lot of other things probably happened during those time periods. In fact, John admits there were so many things that happened during the ministry of Jesus, he didn’t include them all because the world couldn’t hold that many books! So, the question becomes, why did God choose to inspire the writers of the Bible to record those specific stories and insure they were passed down, some of them for thousands of years to us?

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