Teaching Kids Prudence

Teaching Kids Prudence - Parenting Like Hannah
Some choices require prudence!

Prudence is one of those funny, old-fashioned words. It brings up images of little Pilgrim girls from centuries ago. Actually, prudence is a great Bible word and character trait. If your child is prudent, she knows to look ahead and make wise, thoughtful choices. It sounds like wisdom, and while wisdom is a part of prudence, prudence is a little more. Prudence implies taking all of the facts, weighing them with wisdom and for possible problems or consequences and then doing not necessarily what is easiest, but what is wisest, and in the case of Christians, godly.

One of my current favorite verses in the Bible is I Corinthians 10:23. Christianity is about the freedom in living under the grace of God. Christians are not burdened by never-ending lists of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. While the authors of the NewTestament do mention some specifics, they continually emphasize living the Christian life is living in the sweet spot of the Greatest Commands.

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Kids, Greed and God

Kids, Greed and God - Parenting Like HannahIt’s funny. Every year around Christmas, articles start appearing about ways to keep your child from becoming overly greedy. Personally, I have even posted some fun ideas and service projects to do with your children around the holidays. I think many of these articles are probably penned after a parent stands in the line for Santa with their antsy child while some other child reads Santa a list longer than he is tall.

What I haven’t shared with you is the dirty little secret about greed. I guess I was afraid if you found out, you would give up trying. I’m a little older and braver this year, so here it goes. You can’t banish greed from your child’s life merely be giving less presents at Christmas and birthdays and doing a service project or two during the holidays.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Convincing your child he doesn’t have a right to every toy ever made on each birthday and Christmas is probably a very good thing. Having your children serve others at Christmas is definitely a wonderful thing. But those two things alone won’t banish greed from your child’s life. (Sadly, if the present reduction thing isn’t done carefully, it can backfire and make your child even more greedy.)

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Teaching Christian Kids About Alcohol

Teaching Christian Kids About Alcohol- Parenting Like Hannah
My favorite drink has always been iced tea!

Back in the olden days when I was a teenager, Christians for the most part didn’t drink. Then some smart kid a few years older than me accurately pointed out the scriptures actually caution against getting drunk or being partial to strong drink. Of course, the whole Jesus turning the water into wine and not grape juice was added for emphasis and a generation of drinking Christians was born.

Those of us who knew all of the problems alcohol could cause in life, still believed it was a wise decision to avoid drinking alcohol almost entirely and encouraged our kids to make the same choice. Unfortunately, many parents didn’t feel they could use the Bible anymore and so their only caution was to obey the laws of the land and wait until they were 21 to drink. I guess they figured by then maturity would reign and things would be fine. What they forgot is that they regularly broke traffic and other laws themselves, so encouraging their kids to obey a “silly” law was basically useless.

The older I get the more I realize the reasons God cautioned Christians multiple times in different ways to be wary of alcohol. The reality is, choosing to drink can result in a lot of negative consequences. I believe God’s laws are not rules to keep us from having fun, but to guide us in having the best, most productive, fulfilling life possible on earth. Because of this, when we taught our daughter about debatable subjects like alcohol, we made sure she understood some of the reasons why God might not think it is a good idea to drink alcohol (or do whatever).

You can arm your children with the tools to make good life choices based on godly principles. It begins with giving them accurate information and possible reasons behind God’s commands. They need to understand the possible consequences that can happen now if they begin testing the waters on borderline issues like alcohol. Here are some thoughts you may want to consider sharing with your teens:

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Being the Message for Your Kids

Being the Message for Your Kids - Parenting Like HannahSometimes Christianity can be confusing. There are so many churches, looking at the Bible in so many ways. Frankly, some seem so far removed from what God teaches, it is hard to imagine they consider themselves Christian. Yet, as Christian parents, we not only have to figure out how to teach everything in the Bible to our children, but help them learn how to actually live what they read.

Recently, I was given the chance to review the new book Be the Message: Taking Your Faith Beyond Words to a Life of Action by Kerry and Chris Shook. Throughout, the authors attempt to help readers understand what living God’s Words – being the message in their terms, looks like on a day to day basis.

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Fun Way to Teach Kids Creative Recycling

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Creative Recycling - Parenting Like HannahChances are you grew up hearing stories from some older relative who made mud pies or dolls from sticks because they were poor. The Great Depression and World War II taught many of our grandparents and great-grandparents how to make something out of nothing. The relative prosperity in our lifetimes has eroded the skill set our ancestors had developed.

In my last post, I talked about the need for teaching our children to be good stewards of God’s world. One easy way to do that is to reduce the amount of things thrown into garbage dumps. There is a fun project you can do that will not only teach your children how to actively think about good stewardship but also give your kids some practice being creative and clean your house at the same time!

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