Christian Kids and the Older Generation

Christian Children and the Older Generation - Parenting Like HannahIf your children can speak, you probably realize they consider you and anyone else close to your age “old”. I laugh now, because I will talk to friends from home and they will mention someone is “getting older”. In my memory, that person had to be at least in their 60’s or 70’s when I was a child. Inevitably, I will ask “What?! Isn’t she over 100 by now?” Usually, I realize the “old” person had actually been only in their 30’s or 40’s when I was little!

There is something about being young that makes it seem as if anyone older than your peer group is ancient. An arrogance develops as children age. By the time they reach college, many young people have dismissed anyone over the age of 30 as out-of-touch and unable to teach them anything valuable.

If your children appear to be developing that attitude or you find yourself thinking the same things about people ten or more years older than you, it’s time to be proactive in changing those attitudes.

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Kids, Coupons, Service Projects and God

Fun With Kids and Work - Parenting Like HannahWant your kids to learn some godly money and stewardship skills? Looking for a family service project? Wish you could have fun teaching your kids about the Bible? There are several great service projects you can do with your kids or teens that will cover all of those goals.

Begin by teaching your children one of the Bible stories involving someone with “money” helping others. This could be Abraham entertaining angels unaware or the early Christians selling what they had and using the proceeds to help those in need. Ask your children to help you think of someone your family can help. (You can check our parent website Teach One Reach One for service project ideas.)

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Top Tips for Teaching Your Kids the Bible

Top Tips for Teaching Kids the Bible - Parenting Like HannahIf you are trying to dedicate your children to God, they need to read the Bible. If you want your children to become mighty men and women of God, they need to have the scriptures imprinted on their hearts. If you want your children to make wise choices, they need to learn from God’s Word what those wise choices are. In short, if you are Christian parenting, you must find ways to teach your children the Bible and get them to love and value it in the process.

Many parents view the idea of teaching their children the Bible at home with the same fear and uncertainty many parents would have at the idea of homeschooling their kids through high school. Parents often don’t feel they understand the Bible themselves well enough to teach it to someone else. They believe they wouldn’t know where to start. There are a host of excuses parents may use, but they ignore the very real commands from God demanding that they teach their kids the scriptures – constantly.

It really isn’t as difficult as you think. If you put the following tips into use, you may find you and your children actually enjoy learning what’s in the Bible together.

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Great New Resource for “Sandwich” Generation Moms

New Resource for "Sandwich" Moms - Parenting Like HannahA few years ago, it became clear my husband’s parents (who were almost as old as my grandparents) would no longer be able to live in their home out-of-state. That was the beginning of a couple of extremely difficult years trying to homeschool our daughter, while my husband tried to work a demanding job – all while caring for his parents who we had moved into a nearby assisted living facility.

We had no guidebook. My husband was an only child and my parents had not had this experience with my grandparents. We were exhausted and clueless. It never felt like we were making the right choices. And we were blessed that my in-laws could even afford assisted living! I can’t imagine how we would have managed those first two years without the help of assisted living and then Hospice.

If you have recently found yourself in this position, do yourself a favor and read the new book The Caregiving Season by Jane Daly. I know you don’t think you have the time or energy, but I urge you to make the time. Daly has obviously walked this road herself. I found myself identifying with almost every scenario in the book. Because she has been there, she gives you the permission to feel natural emotions, while still encouraging you to act and react in godly ways.

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Children, Consequences, Fear and God

Children, Consequences, Fear and God - Parenting Like HannahI’m not sure when it happened, but over the last several decades parenting has changed drastically. Not all of these changes are bad. Unfortunately though, some parenting “experts” are ignoring basic truths that also undermine Christian parenting. The church has changed too. Sin is rarely mentioned. Consequences are almost never discussed. The focus is only on celebrating God’s love for us.

Whether you consider yourself a “progressive” or a “conservative” Christian, one thing cannot be denied. If you read just about any part of the Bible, you will find numerous commands to obey God and read examples of people who suffered not so great earthly consequences for their disobedience. To some, this portrait of God as someone who demands obedience and delivers consequences – earthly and eternal – for disobedience horrifies them.

Satan wants us to believe the lie that we and our children need only to “love” and can do whatever else we please, with no consequences. He wants you as a Christian parent to believe that firm boundaries and consistent consequences create fear, shame and guilt in your children. These horrible, crippling emotions caused by your restraining parenting will keep your children from reaching their God-given potential. The world and a great portion of the church have bought this lie as an important truth.

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