Have you ever woken up “on the wrong side of the bed”? It seems like you just woke up in a bad mood and everything that happened for the next few hours just confirmed that your mood was the right choice for the day.

What if something happened that shifted your mood and attitude before it got a chance to become entrenched for the entire day? Would you have made different choices? Hurt less people? Done better at whatever you were doing that day? Been more pleasant? Had more joy?
Many kids start the school day off “on the wrong side of the bed”. They didn’t get enough sleep the night before and the morning in their house was chaotic. They may have even been yelled at multiple times or given consequences for when they return home from school. How easy do you think it is for them to learn and have healthy friendships when they start their school day in that frame of mind?
It doesn’t have to be that way for your children. There are five things you can do each morning that probably won’t take more than an extra 15 or 20 minutes – if that. If you can do them, however, everyone should start their day in a much better frame of mind and have a much better day.
- Sit down at the table together for 15 minutes. I know, my daughter was not a breakfast eater either. That’s okay. That child can still sit down at the table and have something to drink for hydration. Studies have shown sitting down at the table for at least one meal a day has all sorts of positive repercussions for kids. Since dinners can be tougher, make the effort to have breakfast together – even if it’s just Poptarts!
- Read a verse from Proverbs as your family’s theme verse for the day. This may take a little effort, but to make it easier choose the chapter each day that matches the date on the calendar and then read a Proverb from that chapter. Bonus points if you talk about what it means and how you can use that wisdom that day.
- Pray over your kids. This can be done at the table, before they walk out the door or in the car on the way to school (drivers keep your eyes open please!). Make it short and sweet, but ask God to watch over them, bless them and help them to be who He wants them to be during the day.
- Remind them “whose they are” as you say goodbye. A friend of mine sent her kids off every morning with a call to remember “whose they are”. It was a not so subtle reminder to be who God wants them to be. You can use your own words, but a reminder to make good choices during the day can’t hurt.
- Give them a hug and tell them you love them. Even days that start off great can get rough. They need to know to their very core that you love and support them – even when they mess up. It is what makes them resilient.
Full disclosure. We didn’t always get this right when our daughter was little. The days we did though, just seemed a little brighter and less chaotic. Have trouble getting everyone up in time? The easy fix is to make bedtimes fifteen minutes earlier each night until everyone can get up and to the table on time. Miss a day or miss a few things for a couple of days? Don’t worry! Just start the next morning. You may just find you want to add this to your weekend morning routine, too!