Resource for Moms With Sons

Resources for Moms With Sons- Parenting Like HannahWhile I am the first to be unhappy if a man thinks I am somehow inferior merely because I am a woman, I think we have lost a lot of important things in our quest to be politically correct. Perhaps one of the most important is recognizing the legitimate differences between men and women and the way God created them. One is not better or worse than the other, just different. In fact, as you know our strengths are also the gateway to our weaknesses.

As parents, it is vital to understand the uniqueness of how God created each of your children. Each of them will have a different personality and different gifts from God. They also have different needs from you as a parent. Some of these are common to all children and some are framed by the gender of your child. Knowing how to meet these needs in a manner that will help them learn and grow in healthy, godly ways is critical to your parenting.

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Fun Ways School Supplies Can Teach Your Kids About God

Fun Ways School Supplies Can Teach Your Kids About God - Parenting Like HannahSchools don’t start here for another month or so, but school supply areas are already filled in box retailers. school supplies now cost pennies on the dollar compared to what they cost the rest of the year. You can buy a lot of supplies for not much money at all if you watch the special sales that they often add to the already lower prices. Then bring the supplies home and have some fun in these last hot days of summer using them to teach your kids about God.

So what are some fun things you and your kids can do with school supplies and learn more about God and what He wants from us and for us in the process? Here are some of my favorites:

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The Sluggard Christian Parent

The Sluggard Christian Parent - Parenting Like HannahSluggard is one of those great Bible words we don’t use in regular conversation very often. Yet, the Bible actually has quite a bit to say about sluggards. As someone who considers myself a person who accomplishes more than most in the course of an average day, I never thought much about sluggards.

That is until I read a quote by author Leighton McCoy. “I chose to believe that whatever I didn’t do as a parent would be covered by what God would do as the perfect parent and therefore I didn’t really have to worry too terribly much when my children veered off course. I was wrong. I thought this was childlike faith, but now I know it was spiritual laziness.” Ouch!

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Spiritual Warfare For Your Family

Spiritual Warfare For Your Family - Parenting Like HannahIf you ever doubted it, an hour of flipping around various television networks will remind you that you are battling for your children. Satan has the world firmly in his grasp and they are fighting a fierce battle to lure your kids away from God.

I was interested when offered an opportunity to review the book Spiritual Warfare for Your Family by Leighton McCoy. McCoy is the wife of a minister and a minister herself. She has a child who has evidently turned her back on God and McCoy has fought a multi-year battle with cancer.

Because of her life experiences, I can understand why this topic is so real to McCoy. I think she does have a point that we often forget we are fighting a battle with Satan for the souls of our family. We tend to meander through life hoping for the best and shocked when our kids grow up to reject God and His commands.

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Easy Scarf Service Project and Devotional For Kids

Scarf Service Project and Devotional for Kids - Parenting Like HannahHot weather seems to make us long for the cooler weather that will come in a few months. If you and your kids are in the house trying to stay cool, there is a fun, easy project you can do that will help keep others warm this winter.

Go to your local fabric or craft store and find some fleece fabric. You will want enough that you can cut five or six foot lengths that are six to eight inches wide. In theory, a couple of yards should be plenty. When you get home, you will probably want to be the one to cut the fabric into strips that are six to eight inches wide (if you get really lucky, the fabric store might help!).

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