What is Wormwood Anyway?

What Is Wormwood Anyway? - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Macinate
No, there are no worms in wormwood. Fig Newtons do not grow on trees and gall is actually made from a hibiscus type plant.  Have you ever stopped and thought about how many stories in the Bible refer to some sort of plant? Do you really understand the significance of how and why grape vines are pruned? It could mean the difference in how you interpret all of those verses about us being pruned like grape vines.

This summer our church planted a garden. This was not your typical garden, although there were some familiar things in it. It was a Bible garden filled with a lot of the vegetation mentioned in the Bible.

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The “Missing” Bible Stories

The "Missing" Bible Stories - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Ryk Neethling
I had a lot of fun this summer leading a Bible study for a group of teen girls. At the end of the summer, I asked what they wanted to study next. Their answer surprised me. They wanted to learn the “rest of the Bible stories”.

I realized after talking with them for a few minutes that we are missing a big part of spiritual training with our children. Parents who are trying to raise their children in a Bible based environment usually make sure their children learn all of the basic Bible stories. Our children are familiar with Adam, Noah, Moses and the major stories of the Bible. When they reach the older years though, they usually start more topical studies which may or may not involve Bible stories. But what about “the rest of the story”.

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Fun Ways to Teach Manners

Fun Ways to Teach Manners - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by SuperFantastic
The normal parental course of action for manners training is constant correction. Eventually though, this can stress out even the calmest parent and child. So is there something more fun than cotillion (a Southern manners staple for the upper classes), to get a child to have good manners?  I have listed a few ideas below to get you started.

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Good Manners Gone Bad

Good Manners Gone Bad - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Ben124
Leave It To Beaver has probably one of the most annoying characters on early television. Eddie Haskell was a smooth talking teen whom all of the adults loved. He was mannerly and full of compliments. The kids all knew though that his middle name was actually “trouble” with a capital “T”.

Unfortunately, I think we are beginning to raise a lot of Eddie Haskell’s.  I love to meet a child who has been taught good manners by his or her parents. Let’s face it, even marginal manners in a child (or an adult, but I digress!) are becoming more rare in our age of flash point anger, entitlement and a lack of personal responsibility. I applaud any parent who has taken the time and effort to insist that their children say “please” or hold open doors for other people.

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Children with Special Needs and God

Children with Special Needs and God - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by USACE Norfolk District
Peter is one of my favorite apostles. Mainly, I think it is because we have very similar personalities. He is also probably one of the best examples of God taking someone from where he was. With Jesus’ love and training, God used Peter to do amazing things in His Kingdom. Peter was very likely a poorly educated fisherman, at least compared to someone like the apostle Paul. Yet Jesus took him from the fishing boat and worked with him patiently for three years. Let’s face it, Peter made some major mistakes that could have gotten him fired had the apostles been a corporation. Yet even after his denial of Jesus, Jesus still sought him out and worked with him. Just a few weeks later, Peter preached the sermon on Pentecost basically creating the first congregation of believers. Later God also used Peter to preach to Cornelius and open the church to Gentiles. Evidently, God can see past any weaknesses we have and help grow us to where he can use us.

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