Family Bible Fun With Esther

Family Bible Fun With Esther - Parenting Like HannahDid you know there is a holiday that celebrates the story of the book of Esther? It’s called Purim and if you read Esther 9:20-32, you will find it’s very beginnings. Many Jews and even some Christians still celebrate Purim as a way of remembering not only the story of Esther, but also God’s goodness and protection.

Purim has always been a celebration of joy and feasting. It is also a time to share food gifts with others and to give to the poor. Today, Purim is celebrated by dressing in costumes and reenacting the story of Esther. Traditionally, those in the audience cheer whenever Mordecai and Esther are mentioned and boo when the evil Haman is named.

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Finding Godly Mentors for Your Kids

Finding Godly Mentors for Your Kids - Parenting Like HannahYoung people today are bombarded by messages that can undermine their faith. They are often over scheduled and stressed. The pressure, along with the very mixed messages from society and their peers, can lead many of them to use ungodly and unsafe ways to try and cope.

Sadly, many young people don’t get enough meaningful attention from parents and other adults to help guide them through the ups and downs of growing up in our world. If young people do have parents who give them enough attention and guidance, they also need other adults to reinforce what their parents have taught them about what God wants for their lives.

Your kids need godly mentors in their lives. It helps them to have another adult who gives them the same advice God wants them to have. If their mentor has expertise in areas – like schools or careers – in which you may not, it also gives you and your kids another resource.

Some churches have a formal mentoring program. The ways they choose and train mentors can vary greatly. Or you may need or want to try on your own to find a godly mentor for your child. In either situation, you need to be aware of the qualities of a person who will make a great mentor for your child.

A potentially great mentor is someone who:

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5 Ways to Make It Easier to Teach Your Kids the Bible

5 Ways to Make It Easier to Teach Your Kids the Bible - Parenting Like HannahMost Christian parents probably know they should be teaching their kids about God and what He wants from them and for them. The best way to do that is from the Bible – the collection of what God wants us to know. We have made the Bible such an intimidating book though, many parents truly believe they aren’t qualified to teach the Bible to their children.

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Are You a Spiritually Engaged Christian Parent?

Are You a Spiritually Engaged Christian Parent? - Parenting Like HannahHelicopter parents. Tiger moms. Laissez faire parents. Free range parents. It seems like every time you look up, there is some new type of parenting. Most of these end up doing more harm than good for the long term development of kids.

Christian parenting is even more challenging. You are trying to help your kids develop not just appropriate behaviors, but to also have godly hearts. Who knows if the parenting flavor of the month can have any positive impact on spiritual parenting?

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids Godly Principles During the Holidays

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Godly Principles During the Holidays - Parenting Like HannahOne of the best things about the holidays is that your kids get time off from school and many of their activities. Bed times can be a bit later, because they can sleep in a little longer. You have more time at home together.

What does your family do with that extended family time? If you use even some of that time more intentionally, you can have fun with your kids while teaching them some important things God wants them to know.

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