Raising Joyful Children

Raising Joyful Kids - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever noticed the best selling books for kids on sites like Amazon? Most have bright cheerful covers. The titles often promise there will be humor on the pages inside. Then take a look the next time you are in a bookstore at best selling books for teens and young adults. Suddenly, the books are filled with stories of last survivors, people fighting for their lives, vampires and other “dark” tales. Even the covers look depressing, with dark colors and dramatic drawings.

What happens to the children who once loved those funny, bright joyful books? Why are they making these dark, depressing books best sellers? How did they somehow lose their joy and zest for life? (A truly joyful person will rarely be drawn repeatedly to reading and watching dark, depressing things.)

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Creating Christian Games for Kids

Creating Bible Games For Kids - Parenting Like HannahOne of the best things you can do as a family is play games together. Family game time creates wonderful memories, encourages family bonding and can even help teach your child some godly principles.  Professionally manufactured board games are expensive and you need to purchase one for every type of different game you might want to play with your kids.

There is a way though to make game boards that will last and can be used for multiple games just by writing new game cards. To make this affordable, you need to make use of coupons for your local craft store.

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Introducing Kids to the Cultures of the Bible

Introducing Kids to the Cultures of the Bible - Parenting Like HannahHave you ever thought about how many of the stories in the Bible make more sense if you understand the culture of the time in which it was written? Most of our children are not being raised in an environment where shepherd is an occupation. When the Bible talks about Jesus being our shepherd, the most our kids can do is think of sheep.

By not understanding the duties and attitudes of a good shepherd, our kids will miss a lot of the depth in those scriptures. The same is true for a lot of things in the Bible from foot washing to eating dates and figs to riding a donkey. When our children hear those stories, most of those things have little if any meaning to them. The culture and the context is lost and the scripture becomes a question mark or merely words on paper.

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Fun Activities for Reviewing Academic Skills While Learning About God

Fun Activities for Reviewing Academic Skills While Learning About God - Parenting Like HannahSummer break from school is approaching quickly in many parts of the country. In our area, schools let out by the end of May. Many parents are concerned about the potential loss of academic skills over the summer. On the other hand, summer should be about family time and fun. And then of course you read blogs like mine encouraging you to spend a lot of time discipling your kids towards God. How is all of this going to happen in the few weeks of summer break?

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Teaching Kids About Absolute Truth

Teaching Kids About Absolute Truth - Parenting Like HannahDid you know that almost everyone in your child’s world – even many Christians – will try to convince your child almost everything in life is a gray area? With the possible exception of murder and a few other crimes, most people today believe in relativism. Everything in life is relative and truth is whatever the person decides is truth.

The result is, very few people believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. Of, they may believe in the absolutes of math and probably accept everything their science teacher teaches them as absolute truth. Anything the Bible teaches though is presented as highly suspect. After all, the reasoning goes, most of it was written thousands of years ago by people who are not as educated and sophisticated as we are.

Of course, what the writers attribute to God was merely a collection of myths and popular wisdom of the day. They will even point to other societies that have similar stories of a flood or taught a few similar laws as examples that it was merely the culture of the time, not God’s rules and principles that are true for all times and places.

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