Beautiful New Resource for Christian Moms

Beautiful New Resource for Christian Moms - Parenting Like HannahNormally, the books I suggest you read are practical, not necessarily beautiful. Recently though, I was offered an opportunity to review a book that was both practical, beautiful and designed to help you grow a bit spiritually. Life In Season: Celebrate the Moments That Fill Your Heart & Home by Vanessa Hunt and Heather Patterson combines so many things I enjoy about books all in one volume.

I have to admit, I had never seen or read their At the Picket Fence blog, so I am not a fan writing a review. (Although, I did look at their blog while reading the book.) The authors, who are sisters, have taken each of the seasons and written beautiful chapters which are part devotional, part motivational, part how-to.

There are crafts, recipes and other beautiful ideas for you to replicate throughout the book. They usually include detailed, but simple directions for doing it yourself. On the “Martha Stewart Difficulty Scale” (If you are familiar with Martha Stewart, you totally understand what I mean!), the ideas are as beautiful, but usually less difficult. At least one required a drill though, so be warned not all of the ideas can be completed without purchasing a few items.

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Devotional Resource for Dads

devotional Resource for Dads - Parenting Like HannahI’m not sure why, but it always seems there are a lot more opportunities for women to have small group Bible studies than there are for men. There also seem to be a lot more devotional book options.

Even though I’m sure most of my readers are female, I would imagine they want to support the spiritual health of their children’s father. I’m always on the lookout for good resources to share with you, but rarely have any. So, I was interested when offered the opportunity to review the book A Minute of Vision for Men by Roger Patterson.

The book contains a short, one (small) paged devotional for each day of the year. They are dated, so if he misses a few days, he can just pick up with the current date and not give up trying to figure out the last one he completed.

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Encouragement Resource for Christian Moms

Encouraging Resource for Christian Moms - Parenting Like HannahIf you haven’t figured it out already, Christian parenting can be hard. There are days when you are sleep deprived or discouraged. At times, it can be hard to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in the parenting game.

You know the Bible has words of encouragement to help, but you don’t have the capacity for finding where they are. You can’t remember the ones you did know by heart. Frankly, at this point, you are lucky you remember your own name. (I was known during those early years for having accidentally signed my maiden name more than once when overtired!)

I was interested when offered the chance to review the book, The 100 Most Encouraging Verses of the Bible, by Troy Schmidt. Honestly, I was as much interested in this book for myself as I was for you. I hate to burst your bubble, but having a wonderful college aged daughter, does nothing to guarantee you life will no longer be exhausting or discouraging from time to time.

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Great Resource for Christian Teen Girls

Great Resource for Christian Teen Girls - Parenting Like HannahOften when I talk with pre-teen, teen and even college aged girls, the conversation gradually turns to some variant of a discussion of popularity. With the younger set, the focus is often on being popular with fellow girls. As they get older, many of those discussions turn to how to get boys to “like” them. No matter the age or the direction though, the basic need they are trying to meet is being loved and accepted for who they are.

Often though, that quest becomes merely a search for the approval of others. Sometimes the desperation and poor self-esteem take over and they become whomever they feel they need to be to be accepted – even if this “new” person bears little or no resemblance to their authentic selves.

I was interested then, when offered a chance to review the book Liked: Whose Approval Are You Living For? by Kari Kampakis. The book covers ten topics: identity, confidence, kindness, character, commitment, connection, wisdom, humility, courage and direction. It is set up in such a way – with discussion questions after each chapter – that it could be read by a teen as a book or used as a study with a group of girls.

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Great Christmas Presents for Christian Parents

Great Christmas Presents for Christian Parents - Parenting Like HannahDo you have Christian parents on your Christmas list? Are you looking for a great gift for your spouse? Are you thinking of ideas for presents friends and relatives can give you? While the Bible is always your best resource for finding the answers you need in life, sometimes it helps to have some extra practical ideas or encouragement from someone who has walked in your shoes.

Below is a list of some of my favorite books for Christian parents. Not all of them are specifically Christian and I may not agree with 100% of everything in them, but there is so much value, they are absolutely worth reading. (Most of these books I have reviewed individually on this blog at some point, so feel free to search this site for a more detailed review.) I have found they have a lot of practical ideas and encouragement in my Christian parenting journey. I have also included links to Amazon so you can read more details and start comparing prices to your favorite booksellers.

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