Tips for Raising a Humble Child

Tips For Raising a Humble Child - Parenting Like HannahHaughty is a great word. You can almost picture a person with an aristocratic nose stuck high in the air. I have to admit, sometimes haughty people amuse me. Donald Trump is one of my favorites. Everything he has is always the best and he is always the smartest person he knows. Most of the time I am looking at whatever he is so prideful of and thinking “That is the most hideous thing I have ever seen.” Yet, he persists in thinking everyone is envious of him.

In Raising a Humble Child, the Donald Trumps of the world have consequences of which they probably aren’t even aware. Frankly, I suspect the arrogant Donald Trump is in some ways a character he plays. On the other hand, he does have a path of broken marriages and bankruptcies in his past. Most of the time arrogant people don’t do nearly as well in life as they could have had they been humble. Their arrogance keeps them from learning from others wiser than them. Especially God.

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Raising a Humble Child

Raising a Humble Child - Parenting Like HannahNothing can be cuter than two or three year olds absolutely insisting they know something is right when they have it entirely confused. It doesn’t matter how much evidence you provide that they are wrong, this child (not yours or mine of course) will stubbornly stick to the original statement. Most parents eventually shrug it off and figure over time the child will learn he is incorrect and will change his mind.

Unfortunately, many children never outgrow this habit. They read something somewhere or hear it from someone they admire or sometimes just figure something out independently. No matter what evidence you provide to the contrary, they will not even consider another viewpoint. Throw in a bit of adolescent indestructibility with a dash of “old people are stupid” and you have a recipe for arrogance and pride.

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Teaching Kids About “Virtual” Sin

Teaching Kids About "Virtual" Sin - Parenting Like HannahRecently, I was having an email conversation with a woman who works trying to save children and teens from child trafficking. She mentioned something which stopped me in my tracks. She said one of the hardest things she does is trying to convince parents of the dangers of allowing their children to participate in virtual sin. It took me a minute or two to process what she meant.

Virtual sin is when anyone participates in a sin in a virtual environment. In other words, if your child regularly plays a game where part of the game is murdering people, that would be a virtual sin. If the characters are naked or nearly so or participate in some sexual acts with a child’s avatar, the child has participated in virtual pornography. Basically anything one does in the arena of a video game or online that would be sinful in “real” life is a virtual sin.

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Raising an Encourager

Raising an Encourager - Parenting Like HannahIf you want parenting advice, it’s pretty easy to find lots of experts who will help you guide your child away from bad habits. There is also a lot of advice on how to train on practical things like manners. When it comes to heart issues like speech though, it gets much tougher. The Bible tells us what comes out of our mouths reflects what is on our hearts. (Matthew 15:18) How do we mold the hearts of our children so what comes out of their mouths is positive, loving and uplifting?

In Kids, Speech and God, I shared some speech habits which may also reveal some heart issues in your child that need correcting. What if your child has conquered many of the negative speech habits, but isn’t necessarily replacing them with encouraging speech? How can you raise a child who is like Barnabas in the Bible? Barnabas was known for being godly and wise. He reflected God’s love by encouraging others. He regularly shared his faith and encouraged people like Paul to go out and use their gifts to serve and share their faith, too. How can you raise a modern Barnabas in today’s negative world?

There are probably many things you can do, but these will get you started:

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Kids, Speech and God

Kids, Speech and God - Parenting Like HannahOne of the most exciting times while raising children is when your little ones begin to speak. The cute way they mangle words and the glimpses into their minds and personalities is a joyful experience. As they begin to master speech, sometimes what comes out of those little mouths are things we would rather not hear. Especially from a child we were given by God to point towards Him.

Often parents focus on grammar and keeping their child from cursing. Some parents will even work diligently to keep their children from speaking disrespectfully to those in authority. What other bad speech habits do we ignore? Are we allowing children to reveal heart problems with their speech and then leaving them uncorrected? Will ignoring these issues make them disappear or cause them to grow worse over time?

The topic of speech and children could cover many posts. Today I just want to discuss some heart issues your children could be revealing by their speech. If you hear your child speak like this regularly, you need to probably address not just what is being said, but the possible heart problems behind them.

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