Life Really is a Marathon

Life Really Is A Marathon - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Leah Jones
A few years ago, I decided to walk the Avon 3-day for breast cancer. The 3-day part involves walking sixty miles over a three day period. If you are familiar with the Atlanta area, we started at Lake Lanier and ended up in Piedmont Park! The organization gives you a very useful training schedule. That ten month training period was the most intense exercise period of my life. Motivated primarily by fear, I walked from when my daughter left for school until she returned home almost every day.

I would love to say that every year, I get up almost every morning and do my strength training and an hour of cardio. The truth is that a lot of the time life gets in the way. I am gradually learning that it is okay to drop the ball once in awhile. The trick is to remember to pick it up again as soon as you can.

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Why do I Try to Parent Like Hannah?

Why Do I Try to Parent Like Hannah? - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Richard Stephenson

When I gave birth to my daughter, I kept thinking about the Bible story of Hannah. Like Hannah, I was having my first child later than many women. I meditated on the verses in I Samuel chapter one. I marveled at the grace of Hannah as she not only dedicated her young son to the Lord, but later left him to be raised by Eli.

I longed to have the attitude of Hannah. While I have no desire to send my child to be raised by someone else, my husband and I wanted to dedicate her to the Lord. I prayed to the Lord that He would give us the wisdom to train her heart and mind to long to follow His path for her.

Over the years, I have studied scripture to glean wisdom on training children. I have quizzed women who have adult children who love the Lord. I have used what I learned while studying for my degree in education to write Biblical lessons for my daughter that were fun, exciting, real and practical.

I hope to use this blog to encourage parents who embark on the journey of raising children they have dedicated to the Lord. I don’t claim to have all of the answers as I am still on the journey. I only know what has worked for us (so far) and what I have learned from more experienced mothers whose children are still actively faithful to the Lord.

I pray you will join me on this journey. May God bless each of us as we attempt to raise our children to be enthusiastic servants of the Lord.