Teaching Moral Sequencing

Teaching Moral Sequencing - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Raoul Lucar
Moral sequencing is the ability to analyze a situation and decide what the moral outcome may be from a decision made today. It requires a person to not just analyze the current decision and the probable outcome, but continue the process out several more steps. When there is a lack of competence in moral sequencing, a person may not realize that what is merely a questionable choice today may lead to more disastrous outcomes in a few weeks or months.

Some people call this the Sodom and Gomorrah effect. I seriously doubt Lot moved his family in that direction so they would move so far away from God’s ways. As far as we can tell from the Bible, his main thought was better pasture land for his animals. If he had stopped and used moral sequencing though, he may have had second thoughts about his choice.

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What Is Moral Sequencing?

What is Moral Sequencing? - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by John Lemieux
Sequencing is a very important skill for children to learn in preparation for reading. Sequencing usually involves a child being given a set of pictures. He may be told which is first in the sequence. He must then decide the order of the remaining pictures. He makes the decisions based on what he thinks the outcome will be from what happens in the previous picture.

Sequencing is also an important math skill.  A child needs to learn how to sequence numbers properly in order to count.  Sometimes a child is given a set of numbers in some unnamed pattern. The child must decide which numbers come next by deciphering the pattern. (Which is what you do in counting. You are actually adding one to the previous number.)

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What Facebook Can Teach Your Child About God

What Facebook Can Teach Your Child About God - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Sean MacEntee
My husband can never understand why our teenage daughter and I know every bit of news – sports, world, local or family and friend news, before he does. We remind him that he has yet to join the rest of the world on Facebook or as I jokingly refer to it, “the source of all knowledge”.

There are many pros and cons about whether or not to even allow your child on Facebook.  I believe it is really a family decision, based at least partially on the maturity of your child. If you do decide to let him enter the world of Facebook, I think you can also use it to teach some godly principles.

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What is Wormwood Anyway?

What Is Wormwood Anyway? - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Macinate
No, there are no worms in wormwood. Fig Newtons do not grow on trees and gall is actually made from a hibiscus type plant.  Have you ever stopped and thought about how many stories in the Bible refer to some sort of plant? Do you really understand the significance of how and why grape vines are pruned? It could mean the difference in how you interpret all of those verses about us being pruned like grape vines.

This summer our church planted a garden. This was not your typical garden, although there were some familiar things in it. It was a Bible garden filled with a lot of the vegetation mentioned in the Bible.

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The “Missing” Bible Stories

The "Missing" Bible Stories - Parenting Like Hannah
Photo by Ryk Neethling
I had a lot of fun this summer leading a Bible study for a group of teen girls. At the end of the summer, I asked what they wanted to study next. Their answer surprised me. They wanted to learn the “rest of the Bible stories”.

I realized after talking with them for a few minutes that we are missing a big part of spiritual training with our children. Parents who are trying to raise their children in a Bible based environment usually make sure their children learn all of the basic Bible stories. Our children are familiar with Adam, Noah, Moses and the major stories of the Bible. When they reach the older years though, they usually start more topical studies which may or may not involve Bible stories. But what about “the rest of the story”.

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