Riddle Me This: Fun, Flexible Family Devotional

Riddle Me This: Fun, Flexible Family Devotional - Parenting Like HannahWe have started posting a series of free, fun, flexible family devotionals. Fun, because we pick an activity we think your family will enjoy. Flexible, because the activity we have chosen fits with several different Bible stories and application principles. You get to choose which story and application principle you think your kids need the most.

That’s it! Let us know what you think and if these free devotionals are encouraging your family to study the Bible together. Here’s today’s devotional:

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Encouraging Kids to Love Everybody Always

Encouraging Kids to Love Everybody Always - Parenting Like HannahBullying and teasing have been around probably as long as there have been kids. So have cliques, labels and popularity. It almost seems that being unkind and unloving has been accepted as part of growing up in a fallen world. Yet, God has called Christian young people to something higher. To love those their peers tell them are unloveable. To be kind and loving to those who are considered outsiders by their friends.

Enter Bob Goff. Some of you may be familiar with this energetic author with a joyful gleam in his eye. His first book, Love Does was a best seller. Fans have waited for years for him to write a second book. The wait is almost over. Goff’s next book Everybody, Always will be released in April. I was able to get a sneak peek at the first five chapters.

Normally, I don’t agree to review a book unless I am given the entire volume. It really isn’t fair to the author, because any concerns I may have about the first few chapters may have been addressed in the remainder of the book. I made an exception for Goff’s book, because I am so familiar with his work – both in writing and in ministry.

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How to Be the Perfect Christian Mom (Sometimes!)

ow to Be the Perfect Christian Mom (Sometimes!) - Parenting Like HannahSeveral years ago, I decided it would save our family quite a bit of money if I learned some basic cake decorating skills. We were in the middle of those “I want a birthday cake that looks like Cinderella” years and those specialty cakes can cost a fortune. So, I went to Michael’s and took the class. I baked many unusual cakes – one of which even won a “prize” at my daughter’s Odyssey of the Mind competition. (Don’t ask. I’m still not sure why that was a “thing”.)

I will never be a professional cake decorator, even though those cakes turned out just fine. Why? Partially because I’m not an artist. Mostly though, because I’m just not willing to put in the time and effort to get really good at it. “Good enough” is okay with me when it comes to cake decorating.

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Fun, Flexible Family Devotional

Fun Flexible Family Devotional - Parenting Like HannahFamily devotionals are great. Many families don’t do them because they take time and energy they don’t think they have. Others hesitate because they aren’t really sure what to do. Unfortunately, by not having family devotionals, you are missing out on great opportunities to teach your kids about God and what He wants from them and for them on a regular basis.

There are great family devotional books you can purchase, but not everyone has that kind of disposable income. So, I want to start sharing with you some fun family devotionals you can do with your kids. The best part is that they will be flexible. There will be one activity, but I will suggest multiple Bible stories and applications you can use with that activity. Then you can choose which story or application lesson your kids need the most.

Ready? Here’s what you need:

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The Hopeful Family

The Hopeful Family - Parenting Like HannahI don’t know about you, but if I watch a news channel for very long, I begin losing hope for the future. It’s easy to believe the world is getting worse and there is little if anything we can do to stop it. If you are a student of history, you know that isn’t the case, but even knowing the world has had periods of time equally bad or worse is still of little comfort.

The danger for Christian parents is losing hope for the future of our children and generations of our family yet to be born. If we lose hope, why bother to put the extra effort into raising kids who will be active Christians, living their faith in this Fallen world? Yet, the message of God’s Plan, of Jesus and of the Gospel message is hope. So how do we remain hopeful raising our kids to be Christians in an openly Fallen world?

I was interested when offered the chance to review the book God of Tomorrow by Caleb Kaltenbach. Kaltenbach has a rather unique background for a Christian author. At some point in his life, both of his parents came out as homosexuals. Caleb had to find a way to love them, while still teaching them what God wanted from them and for them. (Ultimately, both of his birth parents converted to Christianity.)

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